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Running out of the cabin was perhaps not the best idea. Bonnie didn't make it very far. She managed to get down the steps and run a few paces before coming to an abrupt halt as everything around her started spinning.

What's wrong with me? Bonnie felt disoriented and her vision blurred. She sagged towards the ground but strong arms caught her before she could fall down.


His arms kept her in place, holding her against his hard chest. Bonnie immediately found herself engulfed in his arms and his all too familiar scent. The happiness, the relief she felt in that moment was overwhelming. She wrapped her arms around him in a fierce hug.

The moment they made contact the bond suddenly pulsed with life sending an electric shock through both of their systems. Klaus could once again feel her emotions as clearly as if they were his own.

"Are you all right?" Klaus asked quietly. His eyes moved over her body making sure she had not been hurt. She looked fine, physically at least.

Bonnie looked up into this handsome face and smiled weakly. "I...fine..." But she wasn't. She felt dizzy and so very tired. The adrenaline that had pumped her body as soon as she woke up and while she had talked to Cary had disappeared by now.

Despite the smile on her face Klaus could feel the slight trembling all over her body and the look on her eyes, those green eyes that stared back at him seemed haunted. It was obvious that something traumatic had happened to her. The thought of anyone hurting her made his blood boil with rage. He would kill them!

He raised one of his hands to her face and touched her cheek, bolts of electricity shot through her body at that simple touch and her heart skipped a beat, like it always did with him.

Klaus frowned, her skin felt warmer than usual. "What's wrong?"

Bonnie shivered and opened her mouth but didn't get the chance to say anything as a gust of wind suddenly passed them.

Cary who had run after Bonnie and had waited a few steps behind her upon seeing Klaus suddenly found himself lifted from the ground. Elijah had him by the throat, his feet dangling as he struggled to breath under the Original's choking hold.

There were a couple of werewolves near Cary's cabin. A few more came out of the trailers that were stationed around the cabin. They no doubt felt the presence of vampires and had come out to investigate.

They looked at each other with uncertainty, not knowing what to do.

Two tall and bulky men made a move towards Elijah in an attempt to help Cary but Rebekah got in their way, startling them with her sudden appearance.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She said with a feline smile on her face. She flashed her vampire face and the werewolves took a step back.

Bonnie looked over her shoulder at Elijah. "Let him go." She tried to pull away from Klaus and turn around to face Elijah and Carry but she still felt dizzy. Klaus kept one arm firmly around her small waist, holding her in place.

Bonnie blinked as her vision blurred once more. She hoped she wouldn't feel nauseous next, she didn't want to throw up in front of so many people.

"He kidnapped you." Elijah glanced in her direction before squeezing Cary's neck harder.

"He was trying to help." Bonnie told him. She blinked a couple of times trying to clear her vision.

Klaus turned to Elijah. "Let him go." They didn't have time for this. He needed to take Bonnie home. It was obvious she wasn't feeling well.

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