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Bonnie moaned as Klaus pressed her against the door to their bedroom. Their lips met in a heated frenzy, kissing desperately. Her legs squeezed him as she wrapped them tightly around his waist, rubbing herself against the bulge in his jeans.

Everything was a blur after leaving the Sanatorium. Bonnie had said goodbye to her mom and cousins and Klaus had spoken some more with his pack but truth to be told Bonnie can't remember what was said.

The entire way to their home Bonnie had been consumed with thoughts of him. The need she had for Klaus had overpowered everything else. Even her magic seemed desperate for him. Klaus was the only thing Bonnie could focus on, the only thing she wanted. She wanted to feel his hands on her skin, his lips, to have him buried deep inside of her. She needed him desperately. It felt like she hadn't kissed him and touched him in years. She felt like she had been wandering the desert for days and had finally been given water.

Klaus fumbled with the door knob- never taking his lips away from hers-before he finally managed to open the door and carried Bonnie inside. Bonnie used her magic to shut the door and sealed it. If anyone valued their life they would not dare to interrupt.

They made quick work of their clothes and fell into the king size bed in a tangle of limbs. They were desperate, hungrily kissing and touching each other.

Bonnie's skin burned with desire, melting her flesh to the bones. His scent, his touch, his mouth, it was driving her crazy. She needed him inside of her. She couldn't wait any longer.

"Please..." Bonnie moaned as Klaus licked and teased her nipples into hard tips. He moved his head down her body, trailing kisses down her stomach, tormenting her with his tongue. As much as she was enjoying his mouth on her skin, she wanted something else. Maybe it was the magic swirling inside her, maybe she had simply enjoyed being in charge in the past day but Bonnie wanted to be in control.

She suddenly used her magic and flipped Klaus on his back.

The hybrid looked up completely caught by surprise. He had not been expecting that. He raised an eyebrow and his lips curved into a smirk. "Am I another hybrid for you to order around love?" he teased.

"Yes." Bonnie hissed as she crawled on top of him. She kissed his lips, his chin, his neck, before playfully biting his shoulder, her hard nipples brushing against his chest.

Klaus groaned when she rubbed herself against his length. She was hot and wet and more than ready for him. His greedy hands cupped her breasts. They felt bigger, fuller than before and were far more sensitive to his touch. He could definitely see the subtle changes in her body as her pregnancy progressed.

Bonnie closed her eyes and moaned. She continued to rub herself against him, creating a friction that sent bolts of pleasure over their bodies.

The blood rushed to her face as she grabbed him and positioned herself over the tip of his erection. Klaus's hands immediately went to her hips and their eyes locked as she lowered herself into him.

Bonnie bit her lower lip as she took in, inch by inch, until he was fully sheathed inside her. How wonderful it felt to have him inside of her once more.

Klaus groaned, hands digging into her hips at the feel of her tight heat surrounding him. She placed her hands on his chest and slowly started moving her hips back and forth, finding a rhythm.

Bonnie moaned loudly as her hips began picking up speed. How she had missed this, being connected to him in this way. The bond pulsed with happiness and their mutual pleasure.

Klaus was completely mesmerized by her. He was in awe as he laid on his back watching her and rolling his hips under her, letting her have control and set the pace. Bonnie looked beautiful on top of him. Her breasts bouncing as she moved faster and harder than before, her swollen lips parted as she moaned in reckless abandon when he met each of her thrusts with equal fervor. It was a glorious sight.

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