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All of New Orleans shook as the fight between the witches began. The air crackled with currents of power as the spells came and went. The grounds in front of the Sanatorium were illuminated by different color lights- the blasts of power from different spells that were sent and deflected.

Sweat trickled down Bonnie's forehead and back as she did her best to fight fourteen witches. The magical barrier she had created protected her against most spells. The invisible wall blocked and rebounded attacks left and right.

Bonnie was no stranger to confrontations. She had channeled the power of one hundred witches in order to take down Klaus. She had stopped Jeremy's heart in order to desiccate the Original Hybrid too. She had faced Silas and used Expression to bring him to his knees and she had also turned the huntress to stone and broken the link between her and the Seer and her coven. But this, Bonnie had never fought other witches like this.

Fighting a witch was different than fighting a hybrid or a crazy immortal like Silas. Fighting fourteen was a death sentence. Bonnie was no fool, she knew that when it came to magical knowledge and training she was not at the Seer's level. Bonnie was still learning, discovering, and coming to grips with the power inside of her.

But what Bonnie lacked in magical knowledge and training she made up with raw power.

The magic flowing inside of her was unique. Every Bennett first born was born with incredible power and Bonnie not only had her birthright that but she also had Expression.

And it was Expression she summoned to fight the Seer and her coven. Not the magic of the sprits, not the magic of the earth, not even the magic that flowed naturally all throughout New Orleans. Expression was not bound by any laws of magic, or monitored by anyone. It was a force so powerful and malicious that witches discredited as magic. It truly had no limits.

For a long time Bonnie had feared it. For a long time the magic had controlled her but in the past few weeks, she had been able to control and use Expression when she needed it. Tonight she was doing something more, she wasn't just tapping into the power of Expression she was embracing all of it.

Bonnie let the magic inside of her guide her, she let it take over. It was a dangerous thing to do but it was the only way she stood a chance against the witches and judging by the hard look on the Seer's face she was not happy.

The witches thought this would be an easy victory. They thought that because of their numbers they had already secured their triumph. They were wrong.

Bonnie was not only holding her own and deflecting the witches' attacks, she was fighting back fiercely.

The witches had no idea who they were dealing with.

Bonnie Bennett was a force to be reckoned with and the Seer and her coven were about to learn a very hard lesson.

                       ~ ~ ~

Klaus closed his eyes and groaned in pain as he leaned against the wall. The lights flickered on and off and the scent of magic filled the air. Something was happening outside he could feel it.

Katie stood a few feet ahead of him ensuring that no witches would surprise them in their attempt to escape the Sanatorium. They had made it to the first floor using the back stairs and they were just a few feet away from the back door.

"Something is wrong..." Katie muttered. She could feel the residues of power carried with the wind, witches were fighting.

Klaus opened his eyes. His skin burned and the pain on his chest had spread up his shoulders and arms and down his legs. He could barely stand. The dark magic inside the blade was eating him slowly and painfully. If he didn't get it out he was going to desiccate.

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