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Long after Bonnie had left the mansion, Klaus sat by the fire place, lost in thought.

He couldn't stop thinking about her. For the past few days all he could think about was Bonnie, the feel of her skin against him, the look in her eyes as he moved inside her and the taste of her blood. Her blood was intoxicating. Never, in his one thousand years on this earth had he tasted something so divine.

It was driving him mad. He had bedded countless of witches before but none had affected him the way Bonnie had. He was consumed by thoughts of her, the feel of her, the taste of her. The memories that assaulted him were so vivid, he closed his eyes.

The shy look she gave him as he undressed her. The tentative way in which she kissed him back and the way her hands trembled as they helped him get his shirt off. She had been shy and uncertain at first but responsive and eager as she gained confidence.

It had been decades since he bedded a virgin. And Bonnie had been as pure as snow when she came to his bed. Her innocence had surprised and endeared him. What had that bloody boy been doing while he dated her?

Jeremy Gilbert was a fool and undeserving of her, and Klaus was glad that pathetic excuse of a hunter was dead.

Bonnie had looked beautiful underneath him, wide eyed and trembling on the brink of a new experience. Perhaps he was being sentimental about it but he found himself treasuring the memory of that night.

Bonnie had awakened something inside of him. She had touched him in a way he had not anticipated.

Bonnie had reminded Klaus why he had always been fascinated by witches.

Her beauty was undeniable, her power unrivaled and Klaus realized that one night (and morning) had not been enough. He needed more. He wanted more.

There was no question that he wanted Bonnie in his bed again. He was no stranger to lust and he never denied himself the pleasures of the flesh, particularly when it came to witches. There had been many vampires, werewolves, and human lovers that distracted him and kept his bed warm throughout the centuries, but he always found his way back to a witch. Even as a human he had always been drawn to witches.

But he had crossed a line with Bonnie; he had done something he had never allowed himself to do before with any of his lovers.

How could he have been so careless?

To bed a witch was one thing but to form a bond, to bind himself to another. It was something Klaus had never experienced before. He had never been bound to anyone-unless he counted the time his mother bound him and his siblings.

Blood was powerful, it could create, it could destroy, even the most powerful spells required blood. And the exchange of blood between two supernatural creatures was something that even the most dedicated of vampire lovers didn't dare do.

Klaus was angry with himself. He had been so consumed, so lost in Bonnie that he hadn't thought of the consequences. He had simply followed his instincts and fed her his blood. He felt the bond as it came to life but he was far too consumed by pleasure to care.

It had been reckless. It had been foolish. And he was terrified of what consequences it could bring.

When Klaus had felt Bonnie's fear the night before, it had been a shock to his system. He felt her pain and her fear as cleared as if it were his own. He was not used to having someone else's emotions echo in his blood. And the idea that she could feel his emotions in turn or worst use the bond against him was something that disturbed him greatly.

He had been relieved when he realized that Bonnie had no idea of the bond between them. Of the power she now had over him. And Klaus preferred it that way, for now at least it was best if she didn't know. Not until he could understand it better himself.

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