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Klaus and Bonnie buried Silas's ashes in the morning. In a wooded area nestled among big beech and pine trees a good number of feet away from the cabin. Rebekah and Caroline were with Matt, who had almost healed thanks to Klaus's blood. Whatever mind control or compulsion Silas had over them had vanished with his death.

"I can't believe it's over." Bonnie whispered as they made their way back to the cabin. Morning sunlight streamed through the canopy of trees as they walked side by side.

"You did it," Klaus told her with a small smile. The way Bonnie had unleashed her magic on Silas had been magnificent. It was something he would never forget.

"We did it." Bonnie corrected, crossing her arms over her chest as a cool breeze touched her cheeks. "For a moment there, he got inside my head. If you hadn't been there..." Bonnie hesitated. There was so much she wanted to say to him but she couldn't seem to find the words. She stopped walking and turned to face the hybrid. "You saved me again, thank-you."

Klaus nodded. "We do make quite the team." There was hint of mischief in his eyes, it made him look younger and carefree. "I think this calls for a celebration don't you?"

"We need to talk about the bond," Bonnie said instead. Since the moment she found out about the bond, Bonnie had been plagued with doubts. She had so many questions and Klaus was the only one who could answer them.

"Do you really want to do this now?" Klaus raised an eyebrow. Her friends and his sister were still waiting at the cabin.

"Don't you?" Bonnie questioned. "I can feel your emotions and you can feel mine..." she began waiting for him to explain more.

"Yes." Klaus answered leaning back against a tree. "A blood bond is a bridge if you will... between two people." He studied her face before continuing. "It allows us to feel each other's emotions, to know where the other is, to feed of each other's power."

"Know where the other is?" Bonnie asked. "How does that work exactly?"

"I will always know where you are, if you're near me or far." Klaus licked his lips. "If I concentrate hard enough I'll be able to get your exact location and you me. You will always be able to find me without having to use your magic."

"Oh." Bonnie looked down at her boots. They would be able to find each other without the need for a locator spell.


Klaus felt it all through the bond but he waited patiently for her to say something.

"That's how you knew..." Bonnie realized turning to look back at him. "When you saved me from the hunter, you felt my fear and knew where to find me."

Klaus nodded. "I did." The echo of her fear had taken him by surprise. He had never expected to feel her emotions so clearly through the bond.

"What else?" she inquired.

"It depends." Klaus forced his emotions to remain neutral. "Some blood bonds are stronger than others, particularly if we continue to share blood."

Bonnie flushed remembering how they had shared blood in the first place. Klaus smirked knowingly.

"So the more blood we share the stronger the bond will be," Bonnie waited for him to nod, before she continued, "So if we stop sharing blood the bond will disappear?" she hoped.

"Is not that simple Bonnie," there was an edge to his voice. "A blood bond is practically unbreakable."

"But it can be broken," Bonnie insisted. Magic always seemed to have a loophole; surely there was a way to break a blood bond.

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