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Bonnie couldn't think, she couldn't breathe. Every cell in her body burned so hot she thought she might die. It felt like she was on fire.

Klaus's hands dug painfully into her skin, the fingers elongating into sharp claws and sinking into her flesh as he slammed into her again and again. Bonnie hissed as red lines formed on her hips, the scent of her blood filled the air and Klaus increased his pace.

"Klaus!" Bonnie sobbed and gasped as the tension inside her kept building to the point of insanity. She had lost track of how many times she had come part and Klaus didn't show any signs of slowing down or stopping. No matter how many times he sent her crashing over the edge, he couldn't stop. He was like a man possessed, driving into her at a ferocious pace, claiming her, marking her.

Bonnie didn't want him to stop either. Even if it killed her, she wanted more. Everything felt more intense and he was buried so deep within her body, thrusting in and out of her quickly. She moaned and begged for more. She had never felt anything like this before. An infernal fire spread though her body as the tension coiled tighter and tighter.

A sob escaped her lips as Klaus jerked her body to meet the hard thrust of his hips, plunging into her, filling her, stretching her. He took her hard and fast sending ripples of pleasure over her body. Bonnie cried out, shivering with delight as she found her release only for the tension to build back again immediately.

Her hands and knees dug painfully into the earth as her body rocked in time with his thrusts. It burned as he drove into her at an inhuman speed.

Klaus slipped one arm under her lower stomach and lifted her up against him, while the other hand moved up to tweak her nipple. He kissed her shoulder, teeth scrapping her feverish skin as he plunged into her faster and harder. Her body went rigid and she felt him swell and pulsed. He slammed into her once, twice, and he sank his fangs into her shoulder as he filled her with his seed.

Bonnie screamed as ripple after ripple of pleasure quaked her body. She bit her lip painfully until she tasted blood and her vision blurred as she cried. Everything hurt.

She slumped over the grass shaking uncontrollably.

Klaus stayed inside her as he bent over her, placing kisses along her sweaty back and spine. Bonnie shivered; her heart pounding so loud and tears spilling down her cheeks by the force of her release.

"It's all right." Klaus whispered against her skin, his voice rough.

Bonnie whimpered when he pulled out of her. She rolled into her back trembling and gasping for air. It even hurt to breathe. Am I dead? She wondered dimly. Is this what it feels like to die from pleasure?

Klaus stayed on his knees in front of her, hard and ready for more. His hands moved over her thighs, caressing her skin.

Bonnie closed her eyes, "I....can't..." the words died in her throat when she felt the thrill of desire as he moved between her legs and settled his body above hers. "Oh God..." was this normal? She wondered to want someone so much...

Klaus kissed her neck, nipping and sucking at her caramel skin before moving up and nibbling on her ear. He trailed kisses over her jaw and claimed her lips in a heated kiss, licking the blood from her lips.

Bonnie didn't know where she found the strength to place her hands on his shoulders or to kiss him back, feeling the flames inside her ignite once more.

Klaus hooked her leg over his hip and slid deep inside her once more. She was so hot and slick and all his. His groans and grunts mixed with her own cries while her nails clawed down his back, as he moved deep and hard inside her.

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