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New Orleans

Elijah stood atop a building on Bourbon Street.

New Orleans the city his family once claimed as their own was now infested with vampires. They walked the streets of the city with freedom, without fear or care. What happened to the laws of secrecy? To the witches who had proudly stood against his family two hundred years before?

It was a strange thing to see the way the witches cowered in fear. And the werewolves who for centuries had fought tooth and nail to keep a piece of the land, Elijah hadn't come across a single wolf since he had arrived earlier that day.

Oh, what he had come across was his name.

Marcel Gerard the so called King of New Orleans.

Elijah's jaw clenched. The boy his brother had saved and raised and treated like a son was now the proud leader of an army of savages.

How are you still alive? Elijah wondered, dark eyes following the single figure leading the group of vampires below. They were on a hunt.

Jane-Anne Deveraux had broken the rules. She had practiced magic earlier that day and now there was a price on her head. All of the vampires were in search of the witch who had dared defied Marcel's rules.

Marcel jumped on top of a car and whistled to his guys. "Tonight," his voice boomed, "we hunt a witch... Jane-Anne Deveraux!" the crowd cheered. "The vampire who finds her will get a daylight ring!" he promised.

The cheers grew louder, the excitement palpable in the air.

"If you find her," Marcel told his guys, "bring her to me, I want her alive!" he smiled showing his white teeth as he surveyed his army. He was proud.

Children Elijah thought with amusement. The vampires below couldn't be older than a century. They couldn't even feel the presence of the dangerous predator looming over their heads.

The witches feared Marcel, the werewolves had been driven out of the city and the vampires bowed to him but the Originals...

The Originals bowed to no one.

Enjoy your kingdom while it lasts Elijah thought.

A noise to his let caught his attention. Elijah turned just in time to see a figure emerging from the shadows.

A woman

A witch


Mystic Falls

Bonnie arrived home filled with sadness. He was gone. Klaus was gone from Mystic Falls.

After her talk with Rebekah, Bonnie had rushed to the Mikaelson mansion only to be informed by a servant that Mr. Mikaelson was out of town.

Was it because of me? She wondered as she climbed the stairs up to her room. Would he be back?

She had gone back to Matt's house afterwards. But the sadness that had invaded her was overwhelming. Klaus was gone and she hadn't been able to talk to him. It hurt. His absence hurt more than she could've ever anticipated.

Her room was dark when she stepped inside. She turned on the lights and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw him.

Klaus stood by the window. "Hello love." He smiled hands tucked behind his back.

Bonnie blinked in confusion. "You left." She didn't mean to make it sound like an accusation but that's exactly how it came out of her mouth.

"I did." He took a step closer. Nearly forty miles away from Mystic Falls the need to see her had overpowered all of his senses. He'd turned his car around and headed straight for her home. "I realized I couldn't leave without talking to you first." He told her softly.

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