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The guest inside the Governor's mansion screamed and shrieked in pain and in fear as they tried to get out of the house as fast as possible. Those who were conscious at least, many guests were on the ground dead, others whose injuries were too severe simply moaned in pain and waited. They waited for someone to help them or waited for death to release them from their agony.

Tears streamed down Lucy's face as she tried to use her magic to lift the heavy piece of concrete that had trapped her mother. "Mama...can you hear me?"

The only response she got was a moan of pain. Joanna's lower body had been buried under the concrete. She was motionless but occasionally moaning.

"Everything is going to be okay, I'm going to get you out." Lucy promised. She couldn't use her magic. Something or someone was blocking her. She tried and tried but nothing. "Help!" Lucy screamed in desperation. "Someone please!" She tried again but once more her magic was useless. She didn't understand it. She could feel her magic but for some reason she wasn't able to use it.

A woman close to her sat up screaming, blood spilling out of a wound on the side of her head. The screams died on her throat when the vampire to her left launched himself at her, unable to resist the scent of her blood. He pulled her up and sank his fangs on her shoulder, draining her in a matter of seconds and healing his own injuries in the process.

"My leg!" Another man screamed at the top of his lung. "Oh god...my leg..." he moaned in agony.

Lucy watched horrified. The poor man sat up leaning against the wall, his leg had been crushed and rivers of blood streamed down the wound. He was pale and shaking.

He's going to die, Lucy thought. She looked around and cried even harder. It was like a scene from a movie, people screaming in agony, some trying to help their love ones, many of them had missing limbs and were covered in blood.

Lucy coughed as the thick blanket of smoke filled the air. The people who had managed to survive the explosion and the collapse of the ceiling were surely going to die with the fire, which was growing and spreading at an alarming rate.

Two vampires used all of their strength to pry the double doors open but they couldn't. They were tightly shut and even their unnatural strength was of no help.

"Marcel, the doors are sealed!" One of them screamed.

"Try the windows!" Marcel yelled back. His ears were still ringing from the explosion and the nasty wound on his shoulder was healing rather slowly. He needed to feed but he kept his hunger in check. He helped a dazed and confused Mayor de La Fontaine to his feet.

"The house is burning..." The Mayor of New Orleans looked around in panic. "We need to get out...we need...the people."

Marcel looked around the ballroom or what remained of it anyway. The thick blanket of smoke made it almost impossible for the human eye to see the damage but he could see it clearly.

The beautifully decorated ballroom was in ruins. Pieces of drywall, debris, and countless of bodies were scattered all around while the flames were spreading rapidly, surrounding the survivors in a ring of fire that was closing in.

Diego and Thierry hadn't been able to open the door so they moved to the windows. Some of the other survivors were also trying to break them open. It was useless, it couldn't be done.

Magic, Marcel realized with horror. The explosion had been caused by magic and magic was keeping them trapped inside the ballroom. The witches, his vampire face surfaced as anger fueled his veins. The Seer had done this. His hands balled into fists. He had already spotted the dead bodies of four of his guys.

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