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"How could you let a witch best you so easily?" Klaus asked Elijah as they sat on the bench.

"Not my finest moment, I'll admit." Elijah murmured. "I will find her, make no mistake of that." And she would pay dearly for what she had done to him. "The magic that is keeping me in the coffin is strong, different from anything I've ever encountered before."

"Like the magic that created the huntress." Klaus said a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Do you think this witch might be part of the same coven that is after Bonnie?"

"It's possible." Elijah answered. "The witches of New Orleans are not allowed to practice magic in the Quarter, those are Marcel's rules. Either this coven has no regard for his rules and willingly breaks them or..."

"Marcel has allowed them to do magic." Klaus finished for him. The Mikaelson brothers were no strangers to secret alliances. The coven was clearly more powerful than the witches of the Quarter, Marcel could've easily made a deal with them that benefited both of them. "You said that Marcel has a witch?"

"A young girl who wants to kill us," Elijah replied. While he was trapped inside the coffin, he was still conscious and had been able to hear their conversation perfectly. While he knew Marcel's witch could never kill him, the magic that kept him trapped was slowly sucking the life out of him. "From what I heard of their conversation she believes our family will bring death and destruction to New Orleans."

"Well, she's right on that account." Klaus muttered angrily. "How did he survive?" he wondered. "I saw father kill him with my own eyes..." his hands balled into fists remembering that terrible night when Mikael had come for him and chased him out of his city. He had grieved for Marcel thinking him dead, they all had.

"Why does a coven of witches want Bonnie dead?" Elijah asked instead of answering his brother's question. He had his suspicions as to how Marcel had survived Mikael's attack but that was a conversation for another day. "Why did Jane-Anne and Sophie risked everything to kidnap her? And the alliance with the Navarro werewolves..." He stared at his brother, sensing that Klaus knew more than he was telling him.

There was a long moment of silence as Klaus contemplated if he should tell Elijah the truth or not. His brother waited for his answer studying his face in silence. Klaus took a deep breath before finally answering his brother's inquiry. "Bonnie is pregnant..." he whispered almost afraid to say the words out loud, "...with my child." He confessed.

Elijah could count on one hand the number of times he had been rendered speechless and Klaus's revelation was at the top of the short list. "Pregnant..." he repeated, thinking that perhaps he had heard wrong. "...but...how can that be?" he finally managed to say, bewildered by his brother's revelation.

Under different circumstances Klaus would've laughed at the look on his brother's face. Elijah had always prided himself for being calmed and controlled and Klaus was quite amused by the dumbfounded look on his face. It was a rare sight to behold.

"Well you see when a man and a woman..." Klaus began with a smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I do not believe this is the time for jokes, Niklaus." Elijah chided him while regaining his composure.

Klaus shrugged. "I don't know how it can be." He admitted his face becoming serious once more. "Vampires can't procreate and yet...." He was still struggling to understand it himself and he hadn't had the chance to talk about it with Bonnie either. There was a lot they had yet to discuss.

"You broke your curse perhaps your werewolf side allowed for it to happen." Elijah told him deep in thought. In the one thousand years he had walked the earth he had never heard of a witch becoming pregnant by a vampire or hybrid in this case. Then again, there had been no hybrids prior to his brother and Bonnie was also an extremely powerful witch. "Or magic," he suggested.

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