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Once the shock of seeing her mother had passed, Bonnie moved to her father's side. She sat on the bed and took his hand. He looked so peaceful sleeping. She had been worried sick about him and felt extremely relieved to see him.

"He woke up earlier today." Abby told her softly. "He didn't say much..." she glanced at Klaus uncertain of how much to say in front of him. "The things he said...it didn't make much sense."

Bonnie turned to look at her, "thank-you for staying with him." for being there when I couldn't, she thought.

Abby nodded. "What's going on Bonnie? The police said it looked like a robbery but your father mentioned Elena. And what are you doing with him?" she pointed at Klaus who rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it a little late for you to play the caring mother?" Klaus muttered.

Abby glared at him, "leave us," she ordered.

Klaus raised an eyebrow and took a menacing step closer until he stood right in front of her. Despite her bravado, Abby knew that as a vampire she didn't stand a chance against him.

"You must really have a death wish." Klaus said in a quiet tone but it sent a chill down Abby's spine.

"Klaus," Bonnie said softly.

Klaus turned towards Bonnie, seeing the pleading look on her face before turning to face Abby once more."A pity," he murmured eyes flashing gold for a brief second, Abby flinched automatically. He chuckled before moving away from her.

"Bonnie..." Rudy blinked his eyes open groggily.

"Dad!" Bonnie smiled as her father squeezed her hand. "Hi." She whispered.

Rudy smiled weakly, "...you are...here..."

"Yes." Bonnie told him. "I'm here."

"Did they...hurt you?" he asked struggling to keep his eyes open.

"No," Bonnie leaned over him so he could see her face better. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm fine, I promise." Bonnie kissed his forehead.

Out of respect for Bonnie both Abby and Klaus exited the room. Bonnie barely even noticed, all she could focus on in that moment was her dad.

The minute the door shut behind them Abby turned angrily towards Klaus, "I swear if you are threatening Bonnie or using her, I'll-"

"You'll what?" Klaus hissed angrily. "There is nothing that you can do to me, so I suggest you get the hell out and stop pretending to care about Bonnie because we both know you don't."

"You know nothing," Abby spat.

Klaus chuckled. "I know more than you think." His eyes darkened. "I know the real reason you left Mystic Falls." He told her with a smirk.

Abby's eyes widened but she recovered quickly. "Bonnie knows why I left."

"Bonnie knows the lies you told her." Klaus snapped. "What was it again?" he tilted his head to the side pretending to be deep in thought. "Something about losing your magic or wanting a new life...well, either way we both know that's a lie."

"You have no idea-" Abby began but Klaus could clearly see the fear in her eyes.

"I know everything about you." Klaus interrupted. He had made it his business to know everything about Elena and her friends when he had first arrived in Mystic Falls. He probably knew more about the Bennett family than Bonnie and Abby. "Your deepest, darkness, secrets," he continued taking a step closer. "The reason your own mother chose to pretend you didn't exist."

Abby gasped and took a fearful step back. "No..." she whispered.

Klaus smirked. Knowledge is power, he thought savoring the fear that radiated off Abby.

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