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Long after Abby, Joanna, and Lucy had left the plantation grounds Bonnie sat on the porch deep in thought. A cold breeze caressed her skin as rain fell down hard while lightning illuminated the dark sky.

The storm was her creation. It had been too hot and humid to be sitting out and sweat had trickled down her skin dampening her dress, so she had conjured the storm and cool down the temperature around her.

Klaus had watched her silently, lips curving into a knowing smile as the rain began falling on the plantation grounds. He stood next to her, leaning one shoulder against the pillar.

"Grams never said anything." Bonnie murmured. "The legacy...the coven..." Bonnie had never heard of it, until now.

"There are a lot of things your grandmother never taught you." Klaus said. As much as Bonnie loved the woman, Klaus couldn't help but resent her for not preparing Bonnie for her future role. Everything Bonnie knew about magic she had mostly learned by herself. She had never had anyone to guide her or teach her anything.

The bitter tone in his voice did not go unnoticed by Bonnie. "I'm sure she had her reasons for not telling me anything," she said defensively. Her Grams had probably wanted to protect her.

Klaus was not going to argue with her over that. He moved away from the pillar and sat down next to her, on the front steps of the house. "Having a coven of your own will be useful in the war to come." He told her quietly. The stage had been set and the pieces of the game were coming together.

"I don't know the first thing about being a leader...a queen," the word seemed foreign to her own ears. It was one thing for Klaus to call her a queen but to actually become one was an entirely different game.

"It's what you were born to be." Klaus stated turning his head to face her. "It will come naturally and besides you won't do it alone." He would help her. He would be there for whatever she needed. "Every queen needs a king by her side," he told her with a grin.

"They hate you." Bonnie said staring into his eyes. "What if they try and take me away from you?" she had made it clear to her mother and her cousins that Klaus and his siblings were now part of her family but still, Bonnie didn't think they would accept him so easily.

"Plenty of people hate me love," It didn't bother him. It's not like they could kill him. "I suppose I will have to charm them," he smirked. Not her mother, that woman he would gladly kill but the other Bennett witches. If he set his mind to it, he would've them eating out of the palm of his hand, he was sure. He had done it plenty of times before.

Bonnie shook her head. "I don't think your charm will work on my relatives."

"It worked on you didn't it?" he raised an eyebrow while a playful grin formed on his lips.

Bonnie laughed but it was short lived as his lips were suddenly on hers. Their lips met in a slow lazy kiss before Bonnie pulled away a troubled look on her face. "There is something you need to know," she said nervously, hoping that he wouldn't react badly to what she had to say. She had almost forgotten about it, with her family showing up out of the blue.

"Tell me." He could tell it was something very important.

Bonnie took a deep breath. "Tyler called Matt and told him that Luis Navarro wants him to join his pack, to help him and his family take over basically," she watched his face carefully as she said the next words."They want to kill you and your family."

Klaus didn't say anything. In fact, there was no reaction from him. The bond didn't even spike with emotion. He wasn't shocked or surprised by the news. He took it very calmly. It wasn't like him, unless...

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