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He had been chained to a wall. He was shirtless, covered in sweat, and his skin burned from all the werewolf venom that had been pumped into his system. With his head down, Elijah whimpered as memories flashed across his mind, flashes of hidden secrets, torments of his past that surfaced and turned into his worst nightmares.

In his feverish dreams he saw her, the face that still haunted him even after all these centuries. The woman who had marked him, the one he had loved above all others.

His Tatia.

So beautiful, dark curls blowing with the wind.

Her sweet laugh echoed in the forest surrounding the village.

Elijah chased her, mesmerized by her beauty.

Tatia laughed merrily as he pressed her against the trunk of the tree.

Elijah smiled down at her and caressed her cheek with infinite tenderness. "You are so beautiful..." he murmured in awe. Not daring to believe his luck. "The most beautiful girl..." and she was his. She had chosen him.

Tatia smiled wrapping her arms around his neck, a look of pure joy and adoration on her pretty face. "Elijah..."

Hearing his name on her lips made Elijah tremble, fire coiled inside his belly and desire fueled his veins. "I love you..." he whispered against her mouth before his lips crashed down on hers.

Tatia responded to his kiss, she was always so responsive to him, to his lips, to his touch.

Elijah gasped when a cold wind suddenly swept her away. "Tatia!" He yelled.

But Tatia was gone. He looked all around the forest but he couldn't see her. He couldn't find her.

Elijah ran like crazy through the forest searching for his lost love. "Tatia!"

A red door appeared suddenly in front of him. The forest had turned into a dark hallway, the tress turned to stony walls as Elijah found himself standing in front of the door. He knew that door. He had seen it before in his nightmares. It had always haunted him.

Someone was screaming on the other side. Elijah's heart jumped to his throat.

He felt something wet and warm underneath his feet. Elijah looked down and gasped when he saw the blood on the stone floor. He was standing in a puddle of blood, blood that stained his clothes.

Elijah's entire body shook as he looked up. The door had turned into a mirror and he could see his reflection staring back at him. Dark veins around his eyes and sharp fangs gleaming menacingly.

A monster that looked like him, a monster who shared his face. He stared at his pristine white suit which was bathed in blood. There was blood everywhere, on his hands, his arms, his chin, so much blood. "No..." he knew the scent of that blood. He knew the taste of it. He had drunk that sweet blood until his belly was full, until there was nothing left but a corpse.

And then she was in his arms. Beautiful, soft, and cold...so cold like ice. A death girl she was...

Elijah cradled Tatia's dead body in his arms, tears streaming down his face. He had killed her. He had devoured his love.


His body jerked and twisted as he struggled to break free, incoherent words coming out of his trembling lips every now and again as the terrible images assaulted his brain.

"Is he going to die?" Hayley asked tilting her head to the side and studying the Original chained against the wall. He looked pale and sickly. She knew werewolf venom was lethal to vampires and he had been pumped with extreme amounts of it.

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