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Bonnie watched in horror and fascination the different emotions flickering over Damon and Caroline's faces. Stefan on the other hand didn't seem that surprised for a look of understanding crossed his features.

"Oh my god!" Caroline stared at her in shock, eyes wide and mouth open. "You and Klaus..." she couldn't believe it.

"No..." Damon said in disbelief. "It's not true." He waited for her to deny it, to tell Caroline she was wrong in her assumption. But Bonnie didn't.

For one crazy moment she thought of lying but in the end decided against it. The truth was inevitable and as much as she was not looking forward to this conversation there was no way out. Bonnie took a deep breath and braced herself, "it's true." She admitted. "I am."

"You're screwing Klaus..." Damon said in a dangerously low voice before the shock was quickly replaced by fury. "Are you out of your fucking mind? How can you be so stupid?" He moved closer until he came to stand inches from Bonnie, towering over her. "After all of the terrible things Klaus has done-"

"Don't you dare!" Bonnie hissed looking up into his angry face. "Don't you dare play that card with me Damon." She told him angrily. "After all the terrible things you have done, you have no right to bring that up."

"You're defending him!" Damon yelled. "Are you kidding me?" he stared at her as if she had gone crazy. He turned to look at Stefan who kept quiet. "Can you believe this?"

"So what if I'm sleeping with Klaus?" Bonnie yelled back. "Why do you even care?"

"Because you're being an idiot, he's only using you!" Damon fired back.

"Klaus is a master manipulator." Stefan spoke for the first time. "Do you realize what you are getting yourself into by being with him?" his tone was gentle and calm so different from Damon's.

"I know what I'm doing." Bonnie told Stefan. "I know the things Klaus has done but he's also been there for me when I needed it the most. He saved me." He had saved her from the hunters and he had helped her against Silas. And more importantly Bonnie had felt his desire and determination to protect her and their baby.

"Why were you kidnapped?" Caroline asked desperate to understand. "Why are witches and werewolves after you? What's going on Bonnie?"

Because I'm pregnant, Bonnie thought. But she couldn't bring herself to say the words out loud. She wanted to tell them but after the way Abby had reacted to the news she was plagued with doubts. What if her friends wanted her to get rid of the baby like Abby? Bonnie didn't want them to hate her baby just because of who the father was. "I don't know." She lied; feeling surprised at how easily the words slip past her lips.

"Bullshit." Damon exclaimed his eyes narrowing.

"How many hybrids does he have?" Stefan asked staring directly at Riley.

"That's none of your business." Riley snapped while keeping an eye on both brothers and preparing himself should they decide to attack.

"It is when you are in our town." Damon glared at the young hybrid. "That's how he's controlling you isn't it?" he turned to Bonnie, a sudden realization flashing across his eyes. "He's threatening you with something. Bonnie if he has force you-"

"He hasn't forced me to do anything!" Bonnie cut him off. "I'm a witch Damon. I can't be compelled and I already told you he's kept me safe!"

"You expect us to believe that Klaus, the most evil vampire in history is helping you out of the goodness of his heart?" Damon scoffed. "Did you hit your head or something?"

Bonnie glared at him.

"Bonnie..." Caroline told her softly taking a step closer. "We are your friends and we are worried about you. Klaus is..." She struggled to find the words. "Klaus...he's evil." She told her friend. "He killed Elena's aunt. He turned Tyler into a hybrid...and he killed his mom!" Caroline reminded her angrily.

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