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New Orleans

The witches gathered in a circle, all thirteen of them covered in black robes.

The Seer slid the knife over her right palm before passing it to Iris, who followed her example and cut her own palm, red blood trickled down her hand. She then passed the knife to the witch next to her, repeating the process until all of the witches had drawn blood.

Blood would serve was the link to unite their magic.

They held hands, blood running down their palms and into the stone floor.

"Tonight, Bonnie Bennett will die." The Seer told them. They all felt the spark as the link formed between them. "We will channel all of our power into the huntress and give her the strength and magic needed to put an end to that treacherous whore." She hissed. The anger she felt palpable in the air.

The huntress had tried and failed to kill Bonnie. She who was said to be the best the Order had ever created had been bested by a girl. The Seer had grown tired of waiting. Bonnie had to die and tonight the huntress would succeed. Bonnie had been lucky so far but the Seer and her coven were determined to put an end to her and the abomination growing inside her.

Bonnie was a powerful witch but even she was no match for a coven of thirteen powerful and experienced witches.

"Let's begin." The Seer started chanting. The Coven followed her lead and joined her.

The air crackled with the surge of their power.


Everything happened so fast.

One moment Bonnie felt the hard wood floor under her and the heat of the flames engulfing them. She coughed and the black smoke filled her lungs. The baby, she thought terrified. In the next moment she had been lifted into the air. She felt like she was flying.

Klaus had picked her up and carried her out of the burning house at hybrid speed.

Bonnie blinked when Klaus gently set her on the ground, a couple of feet from the house. A shiver traveled down her spine as lighting lit the sky and rain fell hard over them, soaking them wet.

"Are you all right?" he asked, hands resting on her hips.

Bonnie nodded breathing clean air deeply into her lungs. She watched fascinated as the angry burns on Klaus's face disappeared completely right before her eyes.

Klaus's blue eyes looked her over, making sure she had not been harmed, miraculously Bonnie did not have a single burn on her skin. If the flames had touched her in any way it had all healed by now. She had drunk his blood minutes before the explosion after all. With his hybrid blood pumping through her veins any wound upon her body would immediately heal.

Rebekah landed next to them, hissing and cursing as her burned skin started healing at rapid speed. "What the bloody hell was that?" she snapped standing up.

"The huntress," Klaus growled staring at a point over Bonnie's shoulder. In the blink of an eye he switched positions, taking a protective stance in front of Bonnie. He faced the huntress who marched towards them with a determined look on her face.

"She's not going to give up isn't she?" Rebekah moved and stood next to Klaus. "I'm getting really tired of this bitch." She muttered. Just how many times had they killed her already?

Bonnie felt something different about the huntress; the power that radiated off her seemed stronger than before.

"Let's get this over with." Klaus hissed. He and Rebekah attacked at the same time, moving at rapid speed towards the huntress, with a wave of her hand she flung them straight into the burning house.

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