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Baton Rouge

Caroline whimpered as she curled herself into the ball on the dirty stone floor. Her cell consisted of four walls. The room was bare, no bed, no furniture, no bathroom, not even a small window. There was no light except for the ones in the hall outside her cell. Caroline could see them from underneath the heavy metal door. She had completely lost track of the time. She didn't know how long she had been a prisoner of the werewolves.

Had it been days, weeks, or months maybe?

She didn't even know what had happened to Katherine. She hadn't seen the other vampire after that first day when Isaac and his group had tortured her and taken pleasure recording her anguished screams.

After her ordeal, Caroline had been stripped to her underwear and thrown inside the cell. The nasty wounds on her body had not healed yet. She hadn't fed in...she didn't even know. Her throat felt dry and her body was weakened by the lack of nourishment. The hunger pains were unbearable. She was starving. She needed blood. Her mouth watered thinking of drinking warm rich blood, human or animal blood it didn't matter. She needed to feed.

Tears streamed down Caroline's pale cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut. She felt cold and scared and so tired and weak. She could hardly move. I don't want to die. She thought while crying silently. She couldn't help but wonder if anyone knew she was missing. Was her mom frantically searching for her? Did Damon and Stefan know? And what about Bonnie and Matt?

Did anyone even care?

Of course they don't, her treacherous mind whispered. You're not Elena. No one is coming for you. No one cares about you. You are not important.

Caroline cried harder. She wanted her mom. She wanted her friends. She wanted Tyler. She would give anything in the world to see Bonnie, Elena, or Matt storming through that door, even Damon and Stefan. Heck, even Klaus would be welcomed with open arms. She didn't want to spend the rest of her immortal life stuck in a cell. Without blood she would desiccate and Caroline was terrified of what would become of her when that happened.

Caroline did her best to remain optimistic, to console herself, to reassure herself that her friend would come for her. They needed a plan of attack, they needed to regroup and assess the situation but once they had that under control they would come to her rescue.

They will come for me. Caroline thought her heart filled with hope. My friends will come for me.

But no one had come for her.

Caroline waited and waited and waited...but no one ever came.

No one was coming for her.

~ ~ ~

Sweat trickled down Tyler's body as he helped the other werewolf to his feet. "That was good, really good." They had been sparring together for the past few hours.

Luis Navarro had taken Tyler to a house in a secluded area. There were other wolves staying there, wolves that the Navarro brothers had recruited to their cause. Tyler had been under the impression that he was going to meet Franco Navarro right away but days later and that had yet to happen. In fact, none of the wolves in the house had met the leader of the Navarro clan. The only Navarro Tyler had seen and interacted with was Luis. And so far, the cunning wolf hadn't shared with him why Franco didn't want to meet with him yet.

When Tyler had first spoken with Luis, the wolf had pointed out the valuable information Tyler possessed on the Originals or more specifically on how to kill them. So why hadn't they asked him yet? What were they waiting for? Tyler knew what he had to tell them, Klaus had given specific instructions the night he had compelled him. But so far, no one had asked anything. It felt like the Navarro's were playing a game and Tyler didn't like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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