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New Orleans


He was surrounded by darkness. He couldn't see anything, he couldn't hear anything, he couldn't move, he was completely petrified. He was stuck inside a coffin, buried deep underground.

The more he struggled against the dark magic keeping him in place, the weaker he became. It drained him, it weakened him. It was as if the magic was feeding from him.

He had never encountered anything like this before.

He had already started to desiccate.

Elijah closed his eyes, concentrating, thinking of his brother and his sister, calling to them. But it was in vain. The magic that had him trapped and buried prevented it.

He was completely and utterly helpless and he hated it.

Whoever had done this...the witch...they will come to regret it.

Somehow, someday he was going to get out and he would descend upon them.

He heard an explosion above him.

And then he felt it.


A witch was nearby.


Mystic Falls

"How many times have we killed this bitch?" Rebekah asked moving her hair out of her face. She was momentarily dizzy. The huntress's knife had poison in it, thankfully, she was an Original and her blood healed the poison quickly.

"About four or five," Jesse responded panting. "Maybe she has nine lives..."

The huntress's body laid on the ground in between them.

"Maybe she'll finally stay dead." Bonnie mumbled, trying to catch her breath. They were still on her front yard, it was surprising none of the neighbors had seen or heard anything.

The huntress was agile, strong and resourceful and she had magic to her advantage. While Rebekah and Jesse fought against her, Bonnie had used her magic to paralyze her, so they could deliver the final blow. But every time they killed her she came back to life.

"We can't keep doing this all night." Bonnie said. "How the hell does she keep coming back?"

"You're the witch, you should know." Rebekah told her, staring at the decapitated body which had started to twitch once more. She kicked the head with her right foot as if it were a soccer ball.

"Dark magic is the only thing I can think of." Bonnie felt nauseous watching as the body twitched and moved trying to reconnect with its head.

The head began gravitating towards the body as well. "That's creepy." Jesse muttered.

"Definitely black magic," Bonnie confirmed. It was the only explanation for something like this.

"What if we rip her body into pieces and bury her somewhere?" Rebekah suggested. They hadn't tried doing that yet.

"Yes." Bonnie said following her train of thought. "We can bury the pieces in consecrated ground." It was the only way that they might stop her. "We should burn her too." Fire could cleanse the dark magic from her.

In the next second the huntress body and head had joined once again. She stood up ready to fight.

Damn it! Bonnie thought.

Every time the huntress died it took her less time to come back to life.

"Shit." Rebekah used her vampire speed and began fighting the huntress again, Jesse followed suit. The two of them made a pretty good team.

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