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Tyler and Luis moved away from the rest of the werewolves, walking side by side. Tyler didn't know what to make of the werewolf. He seemed well mannered and pleasant but it could all be an act. Tyler was not going to let his guard down.

"You are the first successful hybrid sired by Klaus Mikaelson." Luis stated as the two walked around the property.

"Yeah," Tyler answered. How the hell did he know that? he wondered.

"For a long time no one believed hybrids could exist." Luis murmured. "Have you tried siring hybrids on your own?" he asked curiously.

"No." Tyler answered honestly. "I don't think that's even possible." Not to mention that Klaus had needed Elena's blood to make his hybrids and Elena was no longer human. Tyler definitely had no interest in trying.

Luis studied him and Tyler shifted uncomfortably under the man's sharp gaze. "For a long time werewolves were believed to be extinct or near extinction anyway." He said.

Tyler nodded he had heard as much. It wasn't true of course there were plenty of werewolves still around. Far more packs than the vampires assumed.

"Werewolves have been around for a long time," Luis told him calmly. "Not as long as the witches but certainly far longer than the vampires."

"And?" Tyler shrugged. Could he get to the point?

Luis shook his head amused by the younger man's indifference. "One thousand years ago the werewolves ruled the supernatural world. That all changed with the creation of vampires." Luis explained. "There was a shift in power, the mighty wolves that had once ruled the world were persecuted, murdered, and brought to the brink of extinction."

"By the vampires," Tyler added.

"Yes." Luis confirmed. "The Mikaelson patriarch was responsible for exterminating many ancient and important wolf bloodlines." He had started the war between both species. A war the vampires had been winning for a very long time. "The Navarro pack has been around for centuries. We have succeeded in avoiding destruction and annihilation several times." The closest they had come had been in New Orleans three hundred years ago.

"Why are you telling me this?" Tyler asked impatiently. "What do you want?" He didn't give a damn about the Navarro pack.

"Another shift in the balance of power is approaching." Luis murmured. He looked up into the sky and took a deep breath, letting the smell of pinewood, earth and wildflowers penetrate his senses. "My father believed that the werewolves could regain their power and status in the supernatural world." His gaze returned to Tyler. "He believed that by unifying our species we could once again rise to the top. My siblings and I have been working hard to make that happen." By taking over smaller packs and bringing them under Navarro control they had succeeded in creating the biggest werewolf pack in North America.
"There is only one thing standing in the way of that."

"And what is that?" Tyler asked. There was a strange feeling at the pit of his stomach.

"The Original family," Luis answered. "Unlike other vampires our bite is not lethal to them." And for one thousand years the Mikaelson family had been at the top. Not even the witches had succeeded in bringing them down.

Tyler swallowed nervously. "Why are you here?"

"Because rumor has it that you and your friends murdered an Original vampire." Luis answered staring deeply into Tyler's eyes. "You have succeeded in doing what no one else thought possible...until now."

Tyler looked away. His friends stood a few feet away close enough to see them but far away as not be able to hear their conversation. They looked nervous. "What do you want from me?" he asked turning back to face Luis.

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