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Davina muttered angrily to herself as she occupied her time drawing. She had wanted to go to the Mikaelson ball. She had thought Marcel would take her, but he hadn't. According to him, it was too dangerous. Klaus could try and hurt her.

She angrily moved the pencil over her sketchpad. As grateful as she felt towards Marcel for saving her, she couldn't help but feel angry and resentful that she had to spend her time locked up in the attic. She knew it was for her own good but she wanted to go out. She wanted to see her friends from school. She was getting tired of living in the shadows.

I just need to wait a little bit more. Davina thought. Soon the witches were going to lose their magic and she would be free. She had to keep on waiting for now but soon she would free to do as she pleased.


Davina looked up at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. A young dark haired guy stood in front of her a paper bag on one hand and a drink on the other.

"I thought you might be hungry," he said with a friendly smile while handing her the bag and drink.

Davina frowned. "Who are you?" she had never seen him before. He was a vampire she could tell. A new one it seemed. His aura resembled that of a human which meant he had not been turned that long ago.

"I'm Josh." He replied with a smile, "the newbie." That's what the other vampires called him. "You're Davina right?"

"What are you doing here?" Davina asked. Only Marcel's inner circle knew where she was, only a few of Marcel's vampires were allowed close to her.

Josh shrugged as he deposited the bag and drink on the side table before sitting across from her.

"Logan is supposed to watch you and some of the others but they ordered me to do it instead. They're out hunting, Marcel is going to kill them if he finds out but I've been threatened with bodily harm if I don't do as they tell me." He told her rapidly while fidgeting.

"And you are afraid of them?"

"Hey I'm new, barely getting a handle on being a vampire and I don't have a daylight ring so yeah...I'm scared shitless." He replied with a nervous smile. "You are way less scary than they are. No offense."

Davina smiled. She grabbed the bag and found a hamburger with fries. "I haven't had a burger in a while," she admitted her mouth watering. She looked up at the guy, Josh he said his name was. "Thank-you, Josh." She smiled.

"Enjoy." Josh beamed before stealing one of her fries. "So, what are you drawing?"

He seems nice, Davina thought. And he was close to her age too, maybe we can be friends?

She was lonely.

~ ~ ~ ~

"She hasn't taken her eyes of you." Lucy murmured as she came to stand next to Bonnie.

Bonnie's cheeks were flushed and she was still catching her breath. She had lost count of how many waltzes she had danced with Klaus. The hybrid was currently getting her something to drink. Not once had she looked at the Seer and her coven, despite feeling their murderous gazes on her skin.

"She's waiting for me to acknowledge her and I won't." Bonnie told her cousin. She had done an impeccable job so far in ignoring the Seer and her coven which were all in the corner of the room throwing daggers at her.

Lucy laughed. "Little Bonnie Bennett all grown up."

Bonnie smiled before tilting her head to the side and giving her cousin a knowing look. "You and Elijah seemed to be having fun."

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