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Days later...

Bonnie took a deep breath as she stared at her reflection in floor length mirror. She stood inside the master bedroom of the Governor's mansion, a place Elijah owned and which had been chosen as the perfect location for the ball.

Bonnie was startled to see the face that stared back at her. She looked regal, matured, not a girl but a woman. She could only hope that her nerves would not betray her in the hours to come.

She had decided upon a red silk-chiffon, lace and tulle strapless gown with a sweetheart neckline that showed just the right amount of cleavage, the tiered cascade ruffled skirt accentuated her figure. Her hair had been pulled up in an intricate bun and the smoky eye makeup made her green eyes pop.

The dress was beautiful. The fabric was soft against her palms as she moved them over the bodice. She had never worn something so soft or so expensive in her life.

A soft smile graced her lips as she looked down and touched her stomach, it had started to swell just slightly, it was hardly noticeable but Bonnie could see it, her baby was growing with each passing day. She took a deep breath and began chanting the protection spell. She was not going to take any chances this night. Her child would be protected at all costs.

There was a tingle and her hand glowed as a warm feeling spread over her belly as the protection spell took effect.

Bonnie looked up and stared at her reflection once more. She felt beautiful. She was glowing-that had more to do with her pregnancy but still, while she had never been vain in that moment she really felt truly beautiful.

Is this how Cinderella felt before the ball? Bonnie wondered.

"You are absolutely stunning," an accented voice said from the doorway.

Bonnie spun around at the sound of his voice and her breath caught in her throat. Klaus looked hot, elegantly dressed in a black tux. She had seen him in formal clothing before, in the white suit he had worn at the decades dance in Mystic Falls. He had looked really good then but tonight he looked extremely handsome and dashing.

Klaus had always looked attractive in his regular clothing but he looked damn sexy and appealing in a tux as well. Bonnie bit her lip feeling the heat stirring in her belly. Since his return from Tennessee, Bonnie had not been able to keep her hands off him. Klaus certainly hadn't mind.

"I feel like a princess," she said with a soft almost shy smile.

"Not a princess but a queen." Klaus stepped inside the room and stopped a few feet in front of her. He stood silently contemplating her, his gaze moving across her face and her neck before slowly moving down her body, drinking the sight of her in the red silk dress, red was his favorite color. He licked his lips as he undressed her with his eyes.

Bonnie felt a nervous flutter in the pit of her stomach at the sensual way in which Klaus's eyes moved over her body. He was anything but subtle in his appreciation of her body. She felt an all too familiar throb between her legs when he met her eyes with a heated look, a look that told her perfectly what he wanted to do to her.

The bond pulsed with desire from both ends.

"As beautiful as you look my love, something is missing," Klaus told her with a dimpled smile. He did his best to contain the lust he felt in that moment before he did something lewd like rip her dress apart, throw her on the floor and claim her like a beast.

As sorely tempted as he was to claim her right there, Klaus knew that he would not be able to stop, the ball would be all but forgotten. A few minutes, an hour of stolen pleasure was not enough. Klaus indented to take his time and worship every inch of her skin. And he couldn't let his need for her to cloud his judgment. He needed to have a cool head in the hours to come. They both needed to be at the top of their game.

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