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Klaus carried Bonnie all the way to the safe house about forty or so miles from where he had found her. Rebekah was waiting for them on the porch, leaning against one of the white columns.

"Is she all right? Is she hurt?" She rushed towards them as soon as she spotted Klaus.

"I'm fine." Bonnie murmured opening her eyes. She noticed Jesse stepping out of the house. He looked relieved to see her and waved at her. There were others too, hybrids Bonnie realized as they got closer. Klaus's pack and they were staring at her with open curiosity. One girl in particular glared in her direction.

Bonnie tried to get down-Klaus was still carrying her bridal style-but the hybrid refused to set her down. Instead he carried her inside the house and up the stairs, all the way to the master bedroom, Rebekah following them.

"My dad..." Bonnie said as Klaus placed her gently on the bed. "Do you know-"

"He was shot." Rebekah informed her. "He's fine. I gave him some of my blood and the surgery was successful." She quickly reassured Bonnie after seeing the look of horror on her face. "Matt and Caroline are with him now. He's sleeping but he's all right."

Bonnie breathed a sigh of relief, "thank-you Rebekah." The blonde original nodded.

Klaus frowned upon noticing the iron bracelet on her right wrist.

"It's blocking my magic." Bonnie explained. "And it burned me whenever I tried to use it." She looked down at her wrist. It didn't hurt anymore and the angry red marks on her skin had disappeared. She hadn't even noticed until now.

Klaus tried to take the bracelet off but he hissed when it burned him too. "We'll find a way to take it off."

"Only the witch who put it there or someone of their blood can do it. That's what Jane-Anne said." Bonnie told him. "The huntress killed her-"

"Well, luckily for you, we have Sophie." Rebekah informed her. "I was content to let her die, the huntress did a number on her but Jesse healed her." Rebekah sat on the bed next to Bonnie. "The poor thing was terrified Nik was going to murder him for not protecting you. He figured getting one of the kidnappers was a nice way to make up for it."

Bonnie looked at Klaus. "Jesse tried to help but he couldn't get inside my house. It's not his fault I was taken."

"I know." He murmured."Speaking of the witch," he turned to Rebekah, "is she awake?"

"Knocked out cold," Rebekah replied. "We chained her to a chair in the basement. I ordered two of your hybrids to watch over her."

Klaus raised an eyebrow amused at the idea of his little sister ordering his hybrids around.

"Is that necessary?" Bonnie asked.

"The last thing we need is for her to escape love." Klaus told her facing her once more. "We need to find out why they kidnapped you." And what her sister was plotting against me, he thought.

Bonnie nodded a yawn escaping her lips.

"You must be exhausted." Rebekah stood up. "I'm going to call Matt and let him know you're ok." She turned to her brother. "I need to talk to you..." she looked worried about something.

"Tomorrow," Klaus told her. Whatever it was that Rebekah needed they could deal with it tomorrow. He didn't want to leave Bonnie alone.

Rebekah nodded understanding that Bonnie needed him. "I got you some clothes, things that you might need." She told Bonnie walking towards the door.

"When did you have time to go shopping?" Bonnie asked curiously.

"I got bored waiting for you and Nik." Rebekah shrugged.

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