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Bonnie sat on the floor eyes closed, Qetsiyah's talisman clutched tightly in both of her hands. For the past two hours she had been trying and failing to communicate with her ancestor. Klaus wasn't kidding when he said the spell was tricky.

It was not just the amount of concentration she needed in order to power the spell but the spirit in question had to agree to be summoned. And Qetsiyah was not responding to any of Bonnie's pleads for help.

Bonnie had trouble concentrating too. There were too many emotions swirling inside of her. Worry and fear for her friends. Confusion, anger, and uncertainty about the bond she just discovered.

She shared a bond with Klaus. She could feel Klaus inside of her, inside her mind, in her blood. She could feel the echo of his emotions as clear as if they were her own. It scared her. She couldn't believe that she hadn't noticed it before. Bonnie knew now when it happened. The night they had spent together, when he bit her and gave her his blood in turn. She should've known. She had felt something that night when they shared blood. But she had been too lost in him, lost in the pleasure he gave her to pay any mind.

And now she was filled with doubts about that night. Was it really a drunken one night stand? Or had Klaus planned the whole thing?

Klaus had never taken an interest in her before, except when it came to her magic. When he needed something from her, like the unlinking spell. Had that been his plan all along? She wondered. To seduce her and form a bond with her so that he could use her for his own advantage. Had she been such a fool to believe that he actually wanted her? That he could desire her for more than just her magic?

When would she learn that people wanted her for the power she possessed and not for who she was?

Why would Klaus be any different?

"This isn't working." His accented voice interrupted her thoughts. Klaus had been pacing behind her, waiting rather impatiently for her to summon Qetsiyah. "You're not concentrating hard enough."

Bonnie opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him. "I can't concentrate with you hovering over me."

Klaus smirked, "At the rate you're going sweetheart, we'll be here all night."

They didn't have all night. They barely had a few hours, before Silas started killing people. His demands had been straightforward when he called. And Bonnie had until midnight to do what he wanted.

"How do you expect me to concentrate when my friends have been kidnapped?" Bonnie asked in an annoyed tone. "When my dad is in danger?" When I can feel your emotions inside of me she thought.

It was hard enough to deal with her troubled emotions but it was ten times worst when they were combined with his. There were so many things she wanted to ask about the bond. But they had agreed not to talk about it, not until they had defeated Silas. He was their main priority.

"I've already sent someone to fetch your father. He'll be safe." Blue eyes pinned her down to the floor, "You have so much power inside of you this spell should be as easy as breathing."

"Easy for you to say," Bonnie mumbled. Her hands hurt from the hard way she clutched the talisman. "I can't-"

"Do you want to destroy Silas or not?" Klaus questioned. "Because if you don't, he'll find a way to destroy the other side and every supernatural creature that has ever lived will come back to life. Do you want that?"

"Of course not," as much as she would love nothing more than to have her Grams back, to bring Jeremy back, the price was too high. Bonnie knew she couldn't let Silas destroy the other side. "But what if I don't have a choice?"

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