Chapter 14: Tornado Watch

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"And done!"

You flexed your left shoulder, feeling the soreness as you didn't dare to move it all to much. Still, there was a dull feeling from where the knife was and there was no way of getting rid of the nasty scar that was forever on your body, but it wasn't something new to you. Reaching back to stretch out, the sharp pain on your side was also gone as you felt more relief that you can finally go outside without struggling.

"Thank you Barbara, you've been a big help for me." You smiled at her before getting up from the bed you sat on.

"No worries it's the least I can do!" She beamed. "Don't go out fighting after I just healed you though!"

"I won't!" You laughed as you pushed open the door, making your way to the front of the church. Since your first visit to the church, you and the sisters have come to a mutual respect for one another, a few of the younger sisters had actually reached out to you to build a bond with you. Though many of the sisters are uneasy with your presence at the church, you still do make note to be extra kind to them.

After making it outside, you tried to think of the ways you could waste a day away since you were still technically unable to pick up your commissions until tomorrow morning. You dug yourself deep into thought as you made your way back to where you lived, finally able to put your normal armor on ever since that night. That reminded you, the hunter with the weird vision. A little bit of investigating wouldn't hurt right? Besides, you didn't know what would happen if someone got their hands on the vision or how dangerous it was to someone. You quickened your pace to your house a bit at the thought, fumbling to find your keys before hand so you could smoothly transition through the door. Closing the door quickly behind you, you made your way to the dresser that held the rest of your armor. You clicked them on like second nature before staring at your mask. No, it would be too much to wear it after what the hell just happened. Shaking your head, you were out your front door again and making a light jog to the front gates, picking up your pace once the guards were out of ear shot.

Back on the path, you remember the last time you were running on here. Thinking about the injuries you just had patched you made your stomach turn in an ugly way. You raced past the monsters and slimes that dared to attack you only for them to drop their attack as you were getting to far ahead. Your newly healed injuries carried a dull pain as you traced the same path you took, this time making a straight shot than trying to hide from eye sight. You quickened your pace once you knew you were close to the valley where you ambushed the hunters. The faintest of memories about the leg injury you took was fresh in your mind. It may not have been the smartest idea to coming back to the place of where you almost could have died, but you couldn't let yourself stay still when you had to keep fighting. Staying still was never a good skill of yours.

As you rounded the corner to see the fallen stone, your feet started to slow down. Nervousness crept through your hands and feet as you walked to catch your breath, coming up on the place where charred humans were supposed to be. You never returned to a place where you had to kill until months later once you knew the bodies had decomposed, but coming to a place so fresh with your violence made you fearful. You never wanted to see the darker half of yourself.

You passed through the arches to take in the area that you could never admire in the heat of battle. Strong winds surrounded a fallen building it seems as the area around it seems to be cut a long time ago with strong forces of wind. The whole area felt unnatural, but untouched at the same time. The grass grew tall here, sweet flowers and mint growing here and there, and even a few hilichurl camps were here. Obviously something happened here years ago, but history that long ago wasn't that important to you right now. What caught your attention was the darkened patches of grass and strong traces of electro energy. Your whole body felt like it was twisting as the sight of it all.

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