Chapter 15: Flash Flooding

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It was kinda funny that there was an order made by Jean to keep you in the city walls after going out yesterday. Everyone was panicking once you slipped away in a jog, wondering where the hell you went for an hour since you only just back on your hands and feet. It went so far as you couldn't pick up your commissions this morning without everyone shooing you away and back into your home.

Too bad you were an expert at sneaking out.

You rolled your left shoulder after taking out the last hilichurl in the camp, you already took out another one before this one. Your muscles felt sore all over with a slight burning feeling after not being put to work in a few days, now having to suddenly roar alive and push to their limits. You quite enjoyed the burning feeling as it was a signal you were getting back on track. With the whole situation about the Fatui and delusions, its best to get back out and push yourself to your limits once more. Besides, being active helped clear your mind and bring you to a state of stillness.

You rested your hands on you hips, catching your breath after having to dodge more arrows than usual. You skin pricked at the sound of a twig snapping, turning to see who was following you. There was no hilicurl on patrol and no animal large enough to break a twig of that sound. You spun around to the sound and rose your hand, catalyst by your side ready to attack if ambushed.

"No need to attack, I'm no hilichurl," Kaeya peered around the corner, you lowering your weapon at the sight of him. "Besides I was sent out to find you by Master Jean." He held his hands up and gave his usual sly smile, groaning at the sight of him.

"I don't need to be babied you know," You rest your hands on your hip once more. "I'm perfectly fine out here with no one watching me."

"Well I know that," Kaeya started. "I have some information you might be interested in from your last quarrel."

You raised your eyebrow at what kind of information he would have. You already came to the conclusion Kaeya has some sort of outside party giving him information, but information about your last quarrel? No one was around you besides hilichurls when it all went down. But any information that he has was valuable, especially if Kaeya came out himself to tell you which was quite rare. You decided to not interrogate him about how he learned about your fight, folding your arms and giving him a nod to continue with whatever he knew.

"We got a letter from Inazuma about sweeping the land to search for a group of lost hunters." He said, his eyes becoming colder as he started. "They said that they're looking for a vigilante that's been on the run and may be residing here." Your blood went cold as this was about finding you. "So it looks like you'll be in quite a pickle about trying to stay hidden from sight."

"The god's must really hate me huh..." You scoff, looking down at the even messier situation you're in.

"If it makes it even worse, tensions will be much higher if these hunters don't return alive. I don't think you can stay in Mondstadt for the time being."

"Bullshit, there's plenty of places for me to hide." Your words bite, full of confidence that was missing a bit ago as you started making your way back to the city.

"Really? Like where?" Kaeya followed, trying to pressure you into saying what your plan was.

"I've got my plans, I just have to present them to a certain acting grand master." You smiled back at him.

The walk, trot even, was silent but you trailed ahead of Kaeya and easing off of the smooth cliffs of Stormbearer Mountains. You had already thought of places to hide from hunters even before you had lived in the city as the first thing you did here was scout out areas that could be of interest. All though the landscape of Mondstadt was rather flat without many nooks to hide in, the domains were mostly untouched. To your knowledge the hunters never trailed into the domains that were Inazuma as they were only trained to retrieve visions, clearing domains and doing puzzles weren't something they were equipped for. As you turned to walk on the rather wide bridge you could even hide deep underwater if nothing else worked, hell you even thought of staying on the nail high above Dragonspine for a few days. Would it be dangerous? Most likely but it was a good idea nonetheless.

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