Chapter 23: Talking To The Moon

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You came to be, shifting softly under the covers of a bed. Your gloved hands touched your soft eyelids to wipe away your drowsiness.

Peaking through with one eye, the sun was still out. You made a guess that they just carried you here when you did pass out.

Your chest rose and dipped softly, feeling your heart beat in your throat. When you sat up to leave, the emptiness in your stomach was obvious to you, but no sense of hunger came to you.

You recognized the floors of the church infirmary, sighing as your boots touched the ground.

The sound of you getting up echoed in the room, the soft chatter of the sisters could be heard from the door. Instead of being tired or starving, you felt like the cold winds of winter.

Part of you wanted to leave, the other part of you didn't want to talk to anyone.

The past week has been brutal on you, some alone time would always be appreciated.

You paced around the room, looking for a way to escape without being seen. You walked to the most obvious answer, pushing up the window and carefully climbing through. It wasn't too bad to climb through, just a slight jump down to the stone path.

Question is, where would you go in the middle of the day?

There was a path where not many people would see to back to your home, but wouldn't they raise some sort alarm in your disappearance once again? You were already being watched like a hawk when you entered, maybe it's better to have the street people see you heading back home.

You chose a slow pace as you rounded the corner, hoping someone would see you as you went home.

But the streets never felt any lonelier to you.

The buzz and the sound of people laughing usually kept you in good spirits, but all it did was just leave a stone cold look on your face.

It was like you were on survival mode now, unable to show or feel some sort of emotion.

You crossed the courtyard across the church, going down the stairs where the headquarters for the knights were. The knights on guard usually kept an eye on who passed by daily, so surely you could put Jean's heart to rest a bit.

You didn't even have the energy to respond to the knights callings, only keeping your head forward.

You felt stripped of your human side, shallow and hallow as how people would describe demons.

Your hands that would usually be filled with life remained motionless, being stripped of any soul it had.

You felt like a damn Ruin Guard, cold as the ruthless killing machines they were. You had only hoped that no one would stop you on the final stretch back.

The main street of Mondstadt was as alive as ever, the sound of merchants trying to sell their goods and trying to keep away from the kids. The faint smell of wine danced in the air, bards would come and go for their performances.

No matter the chaos in the streets, everything will still be as carefree as ever.

You stood for a few seconds taking in the senses of the main street before dipping back to return to your home.

The open aired streets were barren despite being the middle of the day. When you got to your door you reached into the bush, grabbing your spare key to open your door.

Once inside, you felt like you were sinking down into the depths of the ocean, chains and all.

You trudged your way to your room, sloppily taking off your armor pieces to never arise from your bed again. You couldn't go outside and socialize, not even in this state.

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