2. audition

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i pulled up to the building the audition was being held in. my heart was pounding as i stepped out of the car. i can't believe i am here, auditioning for a scream movie, and most likely about to meet THE jack champion. i quickly pinched myself on the arm to see if this was real life, and it was.

i walked into the building and signed in at the front desk. i was then lead into a different room and got in line for the auditions.

i could feel myself shaking, almost dropping the script, and my coffee. i didn't see jack anywhere yet so i just thought that we didn't come at the same time. i was disappointed but also felt more at ease. i waited in line forever and kept hearing next and watched people walk in and out of the audition room. i couldn't stay calm as my hands started trembling even more. i heard "NEXT!" once again cand thats when i lost it. my coffee cup slipped out of my hand and so did the script.

"shit," i cursed to myself, kneeling down to try and grab the script without it getting wet, but i failed. the coffee got soaked up into the script very quickly, and i got a lot of weird glances and people kept turning around to see what happened.

i then felt a hand on my shoulder. i turned around to see him kneeled down with me. my jaw dropped as he beamed a smile at me. i quickly shut it and cleared my throat.

"uhm h-hi!" i chuckled, trying my best not to be awkward.

"hey! need some help?" he asked, pointing to the spill on the cold, hardwood floor.

"no, i mean yes maybe.." i laughed again.

"ok, i'll run to the bathroom and grab some paper towels."

i nodded, not helping my smile. i stood up as he rushed out of the room, coming back about a minute later with lots of paper towels.

"thank you so much," i said, grabbing a few of the towels from him.

"no problem! auditions are always nerve racking," he explained, us both kneeling back down cleaning up the coffee spill.

i smiled once again hearing his voice, it already making me feel comfortable.

i snapped out of it, "yeah, yeah of course."

"sorry about your coffee, were you able to drink most of it?" he asked.

"not really no." i said a little too loudly, covering my mouth with my hand.

he chuckled as i turned to him, "ill buy you another one after our auditions."

"oh n-no you don't have to!" i stuttered.

he placed a finger on my lips and i became nervous again at the thought of my celebrity crush literally touching me.

"sh, its on me." he said.

i nodded, eventually agreeing.

"thank you," i whispered, carefully taking his finger away from my lips.

we finished cleaning the coffee up and threw away all the soaked up towels. then we got back in line.

"so im jack champion!" he grinned, officially holding out his hand.

"oh i know who you are. im olivia davis," i introduced, shaking his hand.

"and i know who you are too," he said, letting go of my hand.

"you do?" i questioned, not believing it. well, he did comment on my instagram post earlier, but i don't think he follows me.

"uhm yeah obviously! wednesday is my favorite show of all time!"

i giggled at the thought of him fan-girling over me.

he laughed with me, and we locked eyes. i stopped laughing and just smiled, still making eye contact with him. he did the same.

we talked a little more then it was eventually my turn to audition, and thankfully my script dried.

i started to walk into the audition room before slightly turning around to look at jack once more. he gave me a thumbs up and mouthed "good luck."

i nodded, smiling softly at him. i turned back around and hesitantly walked into the room.

the three people that sat at the desk greeted me.

"name?" the one in the middle asked.

"olivia davis," i said excitedly.

he nodded and wrote something down on a clipboard.

"so tell us more about yourself before we begin," the lady on the left told me.

"sure! well i live local here in LA, i have been in a lot of different films and series, my most popular one being wednesday. uhmm i am 18 and i like to ski and act, obviously," i started, thinking a little more.

"and thats about it!" i finally said.

"wow, that's great, olivia," the man on the right said.

"thank you," i nodded.

"please begin on the 3rd page," the man in the middle said, uninterested in my status.

"alright!" i said, scanning over the script one more time before starting.

"ethan you don't have to do this. they turned you into this monster, you can still switch sides!"

~olivia acts out the rest of the page with lots of emotion and skill~

"that was amazing olivia!" the lady on the left said, with the men agreeing.

"thank you!" i said proudly.

"please wait in the other room we are going to call you back in again soon to perform with another person," the man in the middle explained while writing more things down.

i nodded, thanking them once again and walking out.

as i walked out of the room i saw jack look up from his script and smile at me. i quickly ran over to him.

"how did it go?" he asked.

"good i think, they said i will be performing again with another person in a little!" i told him.

"that's great!" he said loudly, and suddenly he just pulled me into a hug.

i didn't even think and just hugged him back, it bringing me loads of comfort. we stood there hugging for a good 30 seconds before we heard "NEXT!"

i let go of him and we made eye contact again.

"good luck jack."

"thank you olivia."

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now