4. close FRIENDS

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"wait are you being serious?" wyatt yelled at me.

"yes 100%!" i yelled back.

"so he literally asked you for your number instead of you asking him?" millie asked excitedly.

"i know right? i didn't believe it either!" i said.

"oh my gosh im freaking out," millie said, standing up from my bed and pacing around the room.

"so am i! i can't even text him though because i gave him my number he didn't give me his." i said sadly.

"ok. ok. all we have to do is just wait then," wyatt said, also standing up from my bed.

just then i felt my phone vibrate from my back pocket. i pulled it out to see an unknown number texting me.

"what a coincidence," i whispered, millie and wyatt leaning over my shoulder.

is this liv? it's jack

i texted him back as fast as my fingers could type.

yeah this is she! hey jack!

jack changed olivia's contact name to liv 🤝
olivia changed jack's contact name to jack 😘

jack 😘
so we need to hangout!

liv 🤝

liv 🤝
i mean yeah!

jack 😘
ben's coffee shop on tuesday at 12:00?

liv 🤝
works for me!

jack 😘 loved your message

i stared at my phone, jaw dropped.

"does that actually work for you or did you just say that?" wyatt questioned.

"im not sure! i was just so excited that he asked me to hangout wy!" i shouted.

"just calm down its ok. check your calendar," mils told me.

i did as i was told so i swiped off the messages app and checked my calendar. i scrolled down and checked tuesday, and i was free. i let out a sigh if relief and so did millie and wyatt.

"girl you need to figure out what your gonna wear!" wyatt screeched.

i cringed as he said that, but agreed and walked to my closet to start a quick fashion show for mil and wy.

~time skip to the next day~

i woke up feeling more nervous than ever. it was monday, i auditioned yesterday and they said they would call me if i got the part. i hope jack and i both got the roles we wanted.

tomorrow i hangout with jack too. the coffee shop we are going to is alongside the beach, and i decided what i was wearing with the help of wyatt and millie. i was going to wear a flannel with jean shorts, because its supposed to be a bit chilly tomorrow.

i hope after this meet up jack doesn't think im weird and ignore me after. i just need to be myself.

i got out of bed and made myself some breakfast in my apartment.

i sat on my balcony while eating, looking out into the ocean. the coffee shop we were going to was actually right down the road from my apartment by the beach, so it was easy to get to.

as i was finishing up my coffee i got a notification on my phone. i picked it up to see jack texted me.

jack 😘
send me your address so i can pick you up tomorrow

liv 🤝
jack thats ok i can literally walk to the coffee shop from my apartment

jack 😘
idc im picking you up anyways

liv 🤝

liv 🤝
you're such a gentleman

jack 😘
i try 😍

i blushed at jacks message. it was just an emoji. i set my phone down and admired the beach a little longer before going back inside and cleaning my plate.

i did my quick morning workout in my living room then relaxed and decided to watch avatar: the way of water, only for jack.

after hours i finally finished it and decided to send jack a risky text.

liv 🤝
just watched avatar, spiders kinda cute?

jack 😘
omg ikr the first time i watched it i was like "whos that handsome man"

liv 🤝
felt that

jack 😘
all jokes aside thanks

jack 😘
i thought wednesday was pretty cute too

liv 🤝
why thank you 🙏🏻

liv 🤝
anyways im excited to see you tomorrow! i miss you already even though we just met

jack 😘
same!! i miss you even more

liv 🤝

jack 😘

jack and i were getting closer even though we just met yesterday, and i was so happy. my celebrity crush knew me the whole time?!

it was unbelievable. i wonder how long he knew who i was. should i ask? no. that would be weird... right?

i just realized i sent him a heart. im so stupid! but wait, he sent one back? why? i need to stop overthinking about everything with him. im just gonna meet up with him tomorrow, be myself, and put my crush on him aside. we are just close friends.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now