17. filming

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jack and i walked onto set, greeting everyone, introducing ourselves to people we haven't met yet, then we went to our trailers. we got into character and put on our outfits for our first scene at the frat party. we had people come in and do our hair. someone came in and did my makeup, and we were ready to go.

jack and i met up outside of our trailers before walking into the set of the party. we locked eyes and smiled before grabbing each others hand and walking into the set.

"you look good liv," he whispered to me.

"you look funny," i giggled.

"what, you don't like that im covered in cardboard and tape?" he laughed.

"well you make it look good," i smiled.

"why thank you," he smiled back.

"what's up love birds!" we heard from behind us.

we turned around to see mason, who plays chad, shirtless in a cowboy hat. he walked up to us and wrapped hi arms around each of our shoulders, standing in the middle of us, breaking jack and i's hands apart.

"are we exctited for our first scene where jack is going to have to fight someone?" he asked, smirking.

"wait what?" i asked.

"liv you and i are love interests in the movie," he explained.

"why didn't i know this earlier?" i questioned.

they both shrugged. i shrugged it off too but then became excited for jack and i.

"do we have any kiss scenes?" i asked.

"pretty sure you have a few makeout scenes but you didn't hear that from me," mason whispered in our ears before walking away.

jack and i turned to each other and smirked. we connected our hands again and walked over to where our first scenes would be


(movie scene with a few changes)

"im frankie," he said, holding out his hand.

"ellie," i said in character, taking his hand and shaking it.

"you know what, i have some fireball up in my room we could go get," he said smirking at me.

i stared at him for a second before saying my next line.

"alright fuck it, lead the way," i said, sounding a bit tipsy in character.

the actor who plays frankie grabbed my hand and led me towards the stairs.

thats when chad and ethan (mason and jack in character) saw us going towards the stairs and starting to walk up.

they quickly came over and chad told ethan to retrieve me.

"hey bud ellie's good down here," ethan said, and we turned around.

"sorry I didn't catch that," frankie said.

"uh," he laughed, "yeah, you did."

"no ethan, i want to," i said, falling into him a bit and fixing his costume hat.

"yeah see ethan, she wants to," he said, grabbing my arm aggressively and dragging me up the stairs with me struggling.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now