6. can we try

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i waited for what felt like forever but it was really only 10 minutes. i heard a knock at the door and immediately opened it.

jack stood there smiling, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"jack hi! aww you're so sweet!" i said, taking the flowers out of his grip.

i ran to my kitchen, filling a vase with water as jack stepped in and shut the door.

"you look great liv," said whispered as i placed the flowers in the vase.

"thank you jack, you don't look to bad yourself," i said back, putting the vase in the middle of the kitchen table.

"so how have you been in the last day?" he laughed.

i giggled, "pretty good, you?"

"same. so you ready to go?" he asked.

i nodded as i led him out the door and locked it. we got in the elevator since i was on the 5th floor. we went down and the ride was awkwardly silent. i avoided eye contact with him until we got to his car because i didn't want to make it more awkward than it already was.

he opened the passenger door for me and i thanked him as he ran around the front of the car to the drivers side and got in.

"can i get aux?" i nervously questioned, thinking he'd say no.

"of course! only as long as you play taylor swift!" he chuckled.

i laughed along with him as i connected my phone to his carplay and searched for a taylor swift song to play. i didn't want to play a super fast one but also not a totally slow song, so i picked would've could've should've.

it started off a little slow and i sang along as jack rolled down the windows.

"oh i love this one liv!" jack shouted over the wind going through the car.

"really? it's my favorite!" i yelled back.

"its our song then!" he shouted.

i blushed hard but turned my head so he didn't see, but went back to singing along.

jack surprisingly started to sing along too, and he looked so good while doing so. i admired him while he was singing and driving with one hand on the wheel, and one on the console.

i placed my hand on top of his on the console, and started to scream my favorite part along with him.

if clarity's in death
then why won't
this die,
years of tearing down our
banners, you and i.
living for the thrill
of hitting you where it hurts,
give me back my girlhood it was mine first.

jack flipped his hand and grabbed mine, us now holding hands while singing along.

we finally got to the end of the song and we sang it loud.

i cant let this go.
i fight with you
in my sleep
the wound won't close,
i keep on waiting
for a sign
i regret you all the time.

we finished and started to laugh together before we pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop. jack opened his door and hopped out, but rushed around the front of the car again and opened the passenger door for me. i stepped out and thanked him then we walked into the coffee shop.

as we walked in i got bombarded with about 6 fans asking for pictures. i took some selfies and signed some things before asking them to give jack and i privacy.

jack and i ordered our drinks and pastries then sat down at a booth.

"so liv, when you were filming wednesday how did you like not blink at all?" jack questioned me.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now