9. jacks pov

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love? LOVE? liv called louis love in her comment section? she only calls me love, right? am i overreacting? am i jealous? probably. she did call me love before we dated so i guess it makes sense.

anyways i was laying in my bed scrolling through my comments because i had nothing else to do. i saw some of my fans calling liv ugly and i replied and denied them. that is so rude. my fans? they aren't my fans if they do that.

i saw a fan comment lovers on my post and liv liked it. shes so cute. speaking of liv, she texted me.

liv ❤️
hey love, wanna come over?

jack 🫶
leaving in 5

i packed a quick bag with my bathing suit and towel in case we walked to the beach, then i got in my car and drove towards livs house.


"hey jack," she said tiredly, welcoming me in.

"hey liv, you ok?" i asked her, shutting the door behind me.

"yeah, just hungover from yesterday i think," she laughed, sitting down on the couch.

i took off my shoes and set my bag down on the kitchen counter before walking over and sitting next to her.

i wrapped my arm around her and she rubbed her forehead.

"want to take a nap?" i questioned, looking down at her.

she smirked before looking back up at me.


"lets go," i said, picking her up and walking to the bedroom

we cuddled up close, never wanting to let go of each other.

"jack?" she turned to me.

"yes baby?" i asked.

"do i mean anything to you?" she asked me.

"what do you mean liv?" i said, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"am i just another one of your stupid girlfriends?" she questioned.

my eyes widened, "goodness no, why would you even think that? you're really special to me," i explained.

"i don't know, i guess its just your you and i'm, me."

"you're better than me liv. im not even anywhere close to your level and i don't deserve you. im sorry if you feel that way," i kissed the top of her head.

"thank you love," she whispered, closing her eyes and snuggling in the crook of my neck.

i smiled and squeezed her tight before we both drifted off to sleep.


I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now