19. reveal scene

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its been weeks and weeks and weeks of filming and jack and i's relationship has gotten stronger than ever. we have been spending lots of time together on our days off, supporting each other when the other is in a scene, always cuddling in one of our trailers when we get the chance, and kissing nonstop; on screen and off screen. my life couldn't get anymore perfect.

we were currently starting to film the ghostface reveal scene. melissa nor i knew who was about to be revealed so we would be more shocked for the camera and it would be realistic. i was excited to see who they were, but also kind of sad because this means filming would be ending in a few weeks time.

my nerves were building up and it was finally time for the big shot.


"nice job, both of you," officer bailey said, with each ghostface on either side of him, "we have to kill you both now, you both have to die."

"what do you mean we?" sam asked, heavily breathing.

the ghostface to the right of officer bailey put their hands up to the hood of their costume and slowly took it off their head. they then ripped their mask off. i gasped loudly.

"jack was playing ghostface?" i thought in my head.

"ethan...?" i questioned.

"of course it was me ellie, i mean it was easy to fool you," he explained.

"what the fuck," i muttered, staring at him.

he grinned widely, teeth showing.

it was the next ghostface's turn to reveal themselves now, and i was more eager than ever, still shocking from see jack/ethan was ghostface.

the ghostface to the left of officer bailey pulled their mask off, and my jaw dropped.

"heyyy roomies," quinn said softly, waving at us with her knife in her hand.

"didn't see that one coming did you?" she laughed.

"yeah because you died!" i said in confusion.

"kinda didn't, so," she spoke.

"it's time for you both to die now, get them," officer bailey shouted, as sam and i ran.

ethan grabbed sam and held a knife to her neck, quinn beside him, me standing in front of them, watching.

"ethan you don't have to do this!"

"oh but i do ellie. your bitch sister killed our brother."

"because he murdered people! she had to stop him," i yelled, stepping closer to ethan.

"so what."

"so what? that's all you have to say ethan? i loved you!"

"you still love me, and i still love you," ethan angrily whispered, stepping closer to ellie, dragging sam and still keeping the knife to her neck.

"I don't love you! not after i found out you were ghostface!"

"stop." he said, towering over me with sam still in his arms.

"or what? you'll kill the person you love?"

"don't fucking underestimate me ellie."

"go to hell!" i screamed.

"you're a slut ellie!" ethan screamed in my face as i winced.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now