14. hospital visit

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jack and i woke up in the morning and had breakfast, then he helped me pack my clothes for filming. we would be traveling so i wouldn't be home.

my head was pounding but i never told jack. i just tried to play it off so he didn't worry about me. until it got to a certain point. jack was giving his opinions on my outfits and it got worse.

"how do you like this one?" i said, holding up a shirt to my chest.

"it would look sexy on you," he said, winking.

i smiled and set the shirt down, when my ears starting ringing and my head felt like it was squeezing.

"shit!" i screamed, dropping to my knees with my head in my hands.

"liv! what's wrong?!" jack yelled, rushing over to me.

"my head! my head!" i shouted, holding it in pain.

"come on," jack said, picking me up bridal style and carrying me out of my apartment to his car.

"oh my fucking god!" i screeched as we got into the car.

"its ok liv were going to the hospital, how bad does it hurt? whats going on?" he asked quickly.

"it hurts pretty damn bad!" i yelled at him.

"alright alright!" he yelled back, pulling out of the parking lot.


"jack i think im fucking dying over here!" i yelled.

"were almost fucking there!" he yelled back.

"what's happening to me? i can't see!" i screamed.

"i don't know! i don't know!" he shouted, pressing harder on the gas.

we pulled up to the hospital just then.

"can you walk?" jack asked quickly.

"i don't know jack!" i yelled, feeling for the handle to open the door since my vision was blurry.

i heard him open his door and run around to mine then open it. he grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car.

"come on liv go faster!" he yelled at me since i was walking slow towards the emergency room.

"bitch i can't fucking see! and my ears are ringing!" i screamed.

jack swooped me off my feet and carried me into the hospital then set me down once we got in there.

"please help, my girlfriends head is pounding, her ears are ringing, and her vision went blurry," jack explained quickly to the lady at the front door.

she typed things into her computer and led us into s room. a doctor came in and asked a few questions.

"have you drank heavily recently?" he asked, sitting at the computer.

"yes, yesterday," i whispered, holding my head.

"alright, anything happen this morning or maybe even last night where you could have hit your head or something hit your head?" he asked.

i thought back hard then remembered.

"yes i tripped on the stairs and slammed my head on the wood," i told him.

"alright, and any allergies?" he questioned.

i shook my head no and he nodded, typed more things into the computer then left jack and i alone in the room for a few minutes.

"i swear to god im going to kill that guy that tried to bang you at your party yesterday," he whispered with his palms on his face.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now