16. dinner

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we eventually got to the restaurant. it was a very, very nice italian place and the directors made reservations for us. jack and i were a few minutes late so we rushed in from the uber.

"we're part of a reservation for about 12 or so," jack explained to the man at the front counter.

"yes they should be around the corner to the left," he pointed.

we thanked him then walked around the corner and i took in a big breathe, nervous.

we saw the whole cast sitting, talking, laughing. we walked over.

"oh my gosh hi!" a girl said.

i waved and smiled.

"sorry we're a bit late, im jack," he announced, turning to me.

i stared at him for a second, "oh! im olivia, call me liv."

they all nodded snd introduced themselves then we sat down and ordered our drinks. jack started talking to mason and i was left sitting next to him, silently playing with my straw and feeling sort of left out. but then someone spoke up to me.

"so liv, i really liked your wednesday show on netflix," a woman said.

i looked up and saw courtney cox talking to me. was this a dream? someone pinch me.

i snapped out of it, "thank you so much! i loved friends it was my favorite show ever!" i said.

"was?" she laughed.

"oh no no i didn't mean it line that i-

"it's alright i was kidding," she smiled.

i smiled back. her smile was so warm.

courtney and i kept talking and melissa joined in on our conversation along with liana. we talked about past films and shows of each others then how excited we were to film scream 6.

after a bit we ordered our food. i ordered a pesto pasta dish which sounded really good. we all kept talking then i had to go to the bathroom. i exited the conversation with the girls and tapped jack on the shoulder.

"yes?" he turned around, smiling.

"i'm gonna run to the bathroom," i whispered.

"alright, do you need me to walk you?" he asked, still smiling.

"no it's ok love," i smiled back, kissing him on the cheek then standing up from my seat.

i walked a little cluelessly around the restaurant before i finally found the bathroom and went in. i did my business then quickly touched up my makeup, applying more lipstick. i looked at myself in the mirror for a second before leaving.

why did i have so many ugly freckles? why did my hair part that way? i hated the color of my eyes. my body wasn't perfect. my eyelashes didn't curl the way i wished they did. why did jack even like me? why does anyone even like me?

i pushed away my negative thoughts before walking out of the bathroom and back to the table. i saw that our food has came. i politely sat down and watched everyone as they dug into their food. jack being the gentleman he is, waited for me to get back before he started eating.

god he was perfect. perfect for me. i don't deserve him at all. his curls were beautiful. his eyes were something you could get lost in. his lips were so soft and silky. his touch was warm i always craved it. his smile was so pretty. his voice was mesmerizing every time he spoke. his manners and kindness meant everything. i think i might love him.

the way i thought about him in my head was more positive than the way i thought about myself. i truly don't deserve him one bit.


I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now