15. arriving

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jack and i arrived at the airport, checked our bags, went through security, and got some snacks for the plane. we were currently sitting at our gate, watching the first scream movie together on his laptop. we both have watched all the scream movies before, but we thought we should get more in character.

i will admit i was so excited to film this movie, as i should be. i would be meeting the legendary courtney cox, and i couldn't believe it. i was determined to make great friends with my other cast mates too.

jack and i eventually started boarding our flight and we got into our seats. him being a gentlemen he told me to take the window seat while he got the middle seat so he would have to sit next to a stranger. instead of me.

when we took off we put our movie back on, then we agreed to watch the second one also. and by the time we were done with that one, we had landed. we pulled up to our gate we were getting off at and everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and got ready to get off the plane.

it was jack and i's turn to get into the aisle and get off the plane. we grabbed our bags and walked off and into the airport.

"i need to pee," i admitted, stretching my arms.

"same, let's find the bathrooms," jack said, grabbing my hand and walking.

we walked around for a few minutes before finding the restrooms, and we both went then met back up outside of them. we walked hand in hand again towards the place where you get your luggage.

"this always takes forever," i whined, waiting for my bag to come out on the conveyor.

"be patient," jack whispered

"my legs hurt," i whined again.

"go sit down," jack said, staring at the conveyor.

"theres nowhere to sit!" i whined once again.

"do you ever stop whining?" jack laughed.

i crossed my arms and made a pouty face. he made eye contact and gave in.

"get on," he sighed.

"yay!" i squealed, getting on his back.

we stood there for about 10 more minutes before the luggage started coming out. our bags were one of the firsts, so we were lucky this time. i got off jack's back and we grabbed our suitcases. we walked outside and got an uber.

we waited for what had to be 20 minutes before the uber arrived, and we got in. jack told the driver the address of the set and we got on our way.

i must have fallen asleep on jack's shoulder. he shook me awake in a way of telling me we have arrived. we thanked/tipped the driver and grabbed our stuff then got out.

we obviously weren't starting filming today but we were meeting the directors and were having a fancy dinner with our cast mates tonight.

"im scared," i admitted to jack, walking towards the building.

"im not going to lie, me too, but they are going to be nice," jack whispered, holding my hand in his.

we both took a deep breathe before walking through the lobby. we got greeted then directed where to go. we made our way to the set. technically it was multiple sets in one. we met the directors and were introduced to our trailers. jack and i parted ways for a bit and toured our own trailers and made them personalized. we wouldn't be staying in these permanently for filming, we booked the closest hotel that allowed us to stay for that long, which was rare. the hotel we booked had specific rooms for long term stayers, so it was perfect.

after about half an our jack and i met up and headed towards our hotel to check in and get ready for our dinner tonight.


once we got to the hotel we checked in and what not then went to our room. we decided to just get one room together to save some money. like it would mean anything anyways.

jack and i unpacked and put away some clothes. we had a mini kitchen, a bathroom, a very small living room, and one bed to share. our hotel also had breakfast in the mornings, a gym, a small laundromat, a pool/hot-tub, and about 10 floors. our room was on the top floor.

"im going to shower really quick," i told jack, putting my last piece of clothing away in our small dresser.


"alone," i stated, "i just need a few minutes alone," i sighed.

he nodded and i got in the shower. i took my time, which meant about 20 minutes. i did my everything shower.

once i was done i allowed jack to switch me out. he got in the shower and i blow dried my hair also in the bathroom. i heard jack start to sing sarcastically in the shower and i laughed. he then started singing taylor swift and i sung along with him.

we laughed and i finished my hair and he finished his shower. we changed and i quickly did my makeup while he laid on our bed and played on his phone.

when i was done i walked out of the bathroom and he put his phone down with his jaw dropped at me.

"you look gorgeous," he said, standing up and kissing my hand, then my lips.

"you look so handsome," i said to him.

he was in a lovely suit and he truly did look amazing. hopefully i would look decent next to him.

we took some pictures before getting ready to leave.

we turned to each other and smiled.

"you ready?" he asked, looking into my eyes.

i nodded, "yes."

"let's go then," he said, grabbing my hand and walking out of the hotel, and into our uber to the very nice restaurant.

A/N instagram chapter next then the dinner!!! hopefully i can make it juicy 😍

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now