22. wyatt

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i was home. finally home.

i walked through my apartment door and the cold air hit me. i walked up the stairs and into my room. i threw my bag on the floor and let go of of my suitcase handle. i jumped onto my comfy, still made bed.

i curled up into a ball and just cried. i let the tears fall and they just kept coming. i couldn't stop for at least an hour, then i fell asleep.


i was currently in the kitchen, mascara all over my face, dried tears, eating a bowl of cereal. and thats when it hit me - millie and wyatt. they don't know. no one knows. i haven't talked to my best friends in ages. i texted them and told them to come over asap. they answered with "you're home?!?" and "legitimately leaving rn"

i was so exhausted and just wanted jack to be here with me. i wonder what he's doing right now. there it is. i was thinking about him again. i loved him so much and he hurt me so badly, but only because he thought i hurt him so badly. i just wished he would have given me a chance to explain.

about 15 minutes later there was a knock on my door. i walked over and opened it, to see 2 smiling best friends. i gave them the biggest hugs of all time and we all fell to the ground in laughter.

we eventually stood up and they shot questions at me like bullets.

"oh my gosh are you ok? what happened?" millie asked, examining my face.

"why were you crying?" wyatt asked in concern.

"guys uhm" i could feel myself crying again.

"you can tell us liv, what happened?" millie said, frowning.

"i can kill someone if you need me too," wyatt reassured.

"guys... jack broke up with me," i hiccuped, letting the tears slip out of my eyes once again.

"you poor thing," millie whispered, pulling me into another tight hug.

wyatt joined in and squeezed me, then backing away.

"what happened then? why did he?" he questioned.

i told them everything. how andre was touching me, jack walked in on it and got the wrong impression, then told me we were over and ran away. i never saw him after that, and when i tried texting him or calling him, he wouldn't answer and it would go to voicemail. i was so sad on the inside. the person i cared about most just left, without letting me explain. thats when i realized, i shouldn't be sad about jack. i should be mad. he left me. without giving me a chance. my sadness turned to anger at that second.

wyatt and millie gave me much needed reassurance and advice.

"you should press charges against andre," wyatt said, stuffing a pretzel into his mouth from the bowl i got out.

"yeah you totally should, he touched you liv," millie added.

i nodded. i never thought about that before. i really should. so i did. millie and wyatt came with me and we went to the police station, filed a report, and had a long conversation with police.

apparently they found andre's location in about 2 hours and arrested him. i was going against him in court!?! that was news to me. i don't know how this works, i didn't know i would go to court? hopefully wyatt and millie can come and then we can sort things out with jack.


on our way home, millie, wyatt and i got chick fil a. it would be our little treat so we could go home and eat it while watching a movie. we decided to watch a comedy to try and cheer me up. and it worked, for a little while.

my friends and i laughed our asses off and talked about the movie. we ate our chick fil a, then popcorn after. i was having the best time with them, forgetting about jack and my feelings for a while. after the movie ended millie had to leave, apparently she had an interview later this evening. wyatt stayed with me though. we snuggled close and put on another movie.

"liv?" he looked down at me.

"yeah wy?" i asked, looking up at him smiling.

he smiled back, "im sorry about the whole situation with jack, we will figure it out."

for some reason the smile didn't seem genuine for once. it wasn't wyatt.

"yeah i know," i said, still keeping eye contact with him.

wyatt looked sad almost, like his dog just died or something. i felt bad, even though i didn't know why. wyatt and i kept making eye contact, our faces leaning in and now inches apart.

"liv i-

i kissed him. i kissed wyatt. i kissed my best friend. was this a mistake? we were always best friends that acted like a couple, but not this far. it felt like a mistake on the outside, but on the inside i had butterflies fluttering all around.

to my surprise, wyatt started kissing back, and it got heated. i got on top of him, and his hands rested on my waist. my one hand went through his hair and the other wrapped around his neck. we pulled apart to breathe for a second and we looked at each other smiling, then went right back in.

i thought for a second, then pulled away again.

"wyatt wait," i whispered.

"hmm?" he hummed.

"what are we now? is it going to be awkward or will we be like..."

"like what?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"a thing?"

"liv didn't you just cry about jack an hour ago?" he muttered.

"all i want is you wyatt, forget about jack right now," i whispered.

he nodded, "ok then, we can try being a thing?"

i nodded and we both smiled, then continued making out.


thursday changed group name to "livs babies"

livs babies

millie you will not believe what we are about to tell you right now

yeah fs

omg are aliens taking over the earth? im too young to die!

millie we're serious

so am i, what's up?

we're dating...


millie wya

sorry i just threw my phone across THE DAMN ROOM


jack is in the past now i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️

bye bye

i died dead, wait liv won't you have to see him at the premiere?

shoot i didn't think of that, wyatt come with?

fine whatever

yes! i love you so much

i love you more jerk face

aww lovebirds

i snuggled closer to jack as he held me in his arms. the premiere was in about 2 months, and i was now excited. wyatt was going to come with me. as the thought of jack popped back into my mind, i got sad again for some reason. was dating wyatt going to be a mistake? am i really over jack? we will have to see what the premiere has in store i guess...

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now