11. alone time

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"3 weeks? 3 fucking weeks? i am not prepared to film in 2 weeks. i want to spend more time with you!" jack yelled, pacing around my room.

i sat on my bed, just watching him slowly start to unfold from this unexpected change in times. i was just as surprised as him but i was handling it differently.

"neither am i love. let's just calm down and take a deep breath ok? it will be fine, we can still do lots of stuff together before we start filmimg!" i said.

"you're right. but i just wish we had more time," he explained, sitting down next to me.

"i know, we will do as much as we can. they will probably fly by though," i said, snaking my arm around his and leaning on his shoulder.

he sat there staring at the wall.

"what are you thinking about jack?" i questioned.

"sex!" he laughed.

"are you really that greedy?" i giggled.

"can we pleaseeee," he begged, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"later, now lets plan what we should do the next few days."


jack and i decided to set up dates and another party 2 days before filming. we wanted to have as much fun as possible, and be a romantic couple while doing it.

thats when i forgot about wyatt and millie. i decided to text them about it.

livs favorite people excluding jack

whats up with you guys? why were you being weird?

liv it's so obvious

you have been spending all your time with jack and forgot about us

i didn't forget about you guys. i have been spending so much time with jack because we want lots of alone time before filming. im sorry you guys feel that way. please forgive me and we can hangout soon?

fine, just text us a lot at least if you can't hangout


only if you cuddle with me

wy i have a boyfriend now we can't do that anymore

just don't tell him pleaseee

fine whatever but millie has to join

fine with me 💋


"hey love do you mind if millie and wyatt come over tomorrow then we can do what we want after that before filming?" i asked, nervous he would say no

"yeah that's fine," he said, not even looking up from his phone.

i smiled and texted my friends a time to come over tomorrow. the next few weeks before filming starts are going to be amazing and so much fun.

A/N sorry for the short chapter, i will make longer ones soon! how do you guys feel about more smut? or is that a no? i want your opinions so please comment

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now