24. liv and jack

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(small flashback from the day before)

"can we please just talk tomorrow?" jack asked, the
movie coming to an end.

"i don't think my boyfriend would like that very much," i whispered, emphasizing boyfriend.

"oh come on liv!" he whisper-yelled.

"fine whatever, come over at 1 tomorrow. you remember where my apartment is?"

"uhm duh? it isn't like we've been broken up for 10 years," he said sarcastically.

we were just on bad terms and now we were easily warming up to each other again. how comfortable i was already with him. i just couldn't stop thinking about what wyatt would think.

(end of flashback)

it was currently 12:37 and i was waiting for jack's arrival. was i nervous? yes. was i excited? sort of, but i didn't want to admit it.

i gritted my teeth as i stared at the clock. could he just get here already so i didn't have to go through the pain of waiting? ugh. i didn't tell wyatt that jack was coming over, thinking it was for the best. he didn't have to find out and if he didn't know in the first place, there wouldn't be a problem, right?

i heard a knock at the door and my stomach went in knots. what were we even going to talk about? what was about to happen? i walked over to the door and slowly opened it, peaking out. jack stood there staring at me. it was a weird feeling having him here after so many months of being broken up, and him not smiling at me for once.

i opened the door fully and moved out of the way for him to walk in. after he came in i shut the door behind him.

"uhm, hi," he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"hi, sit down," i said, pointing to the couch.

he nodded and walked over, sitting down politely. i sat down on the other couch, not wanting to make it awkward sitting close to him.

"why didn't you believe me?" i asked, getting straight to the point.


"cause i was telling the truth the whole time and you had the audacity to ignore my explanations," i rambled.

"liv im sorry i just-"

"don't call me that," i muttered.

"what?" he said, looking up at me.

"don't call me liv, it brings back too many memories, and im not planning on crying right now," i whispered, my lip quivering.

"alright, olivia," he said, taking a deep breathe.

there was silence for a minute, then i made eye contact with him.

"so?" i finally questioned.

"just hear me out and don't talk until im done," he said.

he knew me so well. i would probably interrupt with my opinion at some point.

"olivia i am so very sorry for leaving you like that. i see now that i saw it all wrong back then, and i felt so betrayed. i never believed you because i...i uhm, my past relationship i had a while ago, she was very untrusting. i caught her with other guys multiple times but she gaslighted me into thinking they were just friends. until i finally found her in her bedroom making out with another guy. i've trusted a lot of people after that incident but i have always still been hesitant. im so sorry he touched you and that is so wrong in many, many ways. he is truly a gross person and im really sorry that happened to you. i just love you so much and i didn't want to believe that you guys were doing something behind my back, but sadly i did and my emotions got the best of me. i am so so sorry again and i would never wish something like that on you ever again. i really should have let you explain sooner but now it's too late since you're dating wyatt."

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now