5. early

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it was currently 9:30. i was about to go to bed because i wanted to get lots of rest before going out with jack tomorrow.

i climbed into my silk sheets and shut my eyes. i slowly started to drift off to sleep before my phone started ringing. who could be calling me this late?

i grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and sat up. i clicked the accept button to an unknown number.

"olivia davis?" the person on the other line said.

"yes, who is this exactly?" i asked, confused.

"this is mary higgins, at the auditions yesterday," she said very formally.

"oh hi! how can i help you?" i asked, completely forgetting about how they said they would call me about my role today.

"i have called you olivia to tell you that you got the role ellie in scream 6. thank you for auditioning and we will reach out to you soon about filming." she said very calmly.

me on the other hand i was freaking out. like my type of full on freak out. shaking, sweating, jumping up and down.

"thank you so much i can't believe it! may i ask if jack champion got the part of ethan?" i wondered.

"you will have to ask him. i was only in charge of calling you. sorry about calling so late olivia, now get some rest," she told me.

i nodded even though she couldn't see me, "right. thank you again!"

and with that she hung up the phone. for some reason i didn't even think about wyatt or millie, and went straight to jacks contact and clicked call.

it rang a few times before he finally picked up.

"hello?" he said in a very sleepy voice.

"jack! sorry if i woke you up love, but i need to tell you something!" i screamed.

"its ok, but go ahead," he said, still groggy.

"i got the part!" i yelled into the phone.

"that's great!" he yelled back, "im proud of you!"

i thanked him, but then stopped myself. if he got the part too he would have told me by now.

"liv? are you still there?" he questioned through the phone.

"yeah sorry," i said kind of sadly, "do you mind me asking... did you get the part jack...?"

"oh. well i was going to wait till tomorrow but yes! we're gonna be working together!" he shouted back excitedly.

i let out a sigh of relief, but then quickly congratulated him also and told him how proud i was of him too.

~little time skip after they talked a little more~

jack and i eventually ended our call and i went to sleep smiling. i was so glad we both got the role we wanted in the upcoming scream movie.

~another time skip (sorry)~

it was 10:00 in the morning now, and i was getting ready for my "date" with jack. i already had my outfit on and was currently curling my hair loosely at my vanity. i still had to do my makeup but that wouldn't take long. jack was supposedly coming to pick me up in 2 hours, but i didn't care. i loved getting ready early, its better than being late.

i finished curling my hair and started my makeup at about 10:50. i was kind of lallygagging today because my phone was distracting me. anyways once i finished my makeup it was about 11:20, and i got a text from jack.

jack 😘
gonna come a little early, that ok?

liv 🤝
yes ofc! my address is *********

jack 😘 liked your message

i was nervous. i just saw him like 2 days ago why was i nervous? i don't know where he even lives so i don't know how long it will take him to get here. i slipped on my sneakers and went downstairs. i grabbed my purse and earbuds, then waited by the front door.

A/N sorry short chapter, but the next one will be good 😊

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now