25. bestest friends

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"come in!" i yelled, sitting on the couch of my apartment as i heard a knock at the door.

"hey baby," jack said, shutting the door.

"hey love, can you help me set up these snacks?" i said, giving him a kiss then walking to the kitchen.

"yeah of course," he agreed, taking his shoes off and putting his stuff down.

jack helped me put the snacks i bought in bowls and we lined them all up. all of my friends would be coming over today to go to the beach then come back and watch a movie.

i invited jaeden, louis, millie, wyatt, tristan, percy, jasmin, mason and jack, obviously.

once jack and i finished putting out snacks and drinks we put out lots of pillows and blankets since everyone would be sleeping over. i was so excited for all of them to come over because i haven't seen some of them for a while.


"hey tris!" i said, allowing him in.

"hey!" he said, hugging me and walking in.

tristan was the first one to arrive so now we had to wait for the others, which didn't take long as i shut the door then almost immediately heard another knock.

i let wyatt and millie in, they carpooled. everyone started arriving after that. louis, then mason and jasmin, then percy, and then we were finally just waiting on jaeden. it was half an hour past when everyone was supposed to be here so he was a bit late.

"why don't you text him?" percy suggested.

"yeah do that," wyatt agreed.

i nodded and pulled out my phone, clicking on his contact. i started to type "are you ok? you still coming?" before i heard a knock at the door. i set my phone down and walked over. i opened it and screamed as i saw jaeden and finn standing there.

"finn!" i screamed, jumping into his arms.

"hey liv," he laughed, wrapping his arms around me as i wrapped my legs around him.

him and jaeden stepped in and finn set me down. i quickly shut the door.

"i thought you were at home filming that new show?" i questioned, looking up at him.

"well i came to surprise you, jaeden here got the idea," he said, pointing to jaeden.

"you sneaky little thing," i laughed, jaeden smiling and i gave him a quick hug.

we pulled away and i looked at everyone else, smiling. they all stared at me.

"what liv?" louis laughed.

"just embracing this all, i love you all," i announced.

"that is very up forward," jack laughed, walking up to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"we love you too liv," jasmin smiled.

everyone agreed with nods and yes's.

"alright everyone change into your swimsuits!" i said, clapping my hands together.

everyone grabbed their bags and bathing suits and took turns in the bathrooms to change. jack and i went upstairs to my room to change.

"turn around," i muttered to jack, shutting the door.

"what if i don't want to," he giggled.

"well, will you turn around if i kiss you?" i asked in a cheesy way.

jack eagerly nodded and i walked up to him.

"pick me up," i whispered, not wanting to deal with out height difference.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now