9. party

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my friends started to show up and millie told me she invited a few more people but it would be a surprise. im scared but excited to see who she invited at the same time.


jack and i slipped away from the party for a few minutes to makeout in my room. i was bold and asked him a few minutes ago and he eagerly said yes. i was feelimg a little bit dizzy so i probably was drunk, but that's not stopping me from having fun tonight. i just kept drinking what people brought. i grabbed jack's hand and started to lead him up the stairs before the door opened.

i turned around and squinted, "who is that?" i whispered to jack.

he shrugged and i just watched as they shut the door and waited for them to be more visible. that's when i realized.

"LOUIS!" i screamed, running down the stairs.

"OLIVIA!" he yelled back, opening his arms for me.

i jumped into them and we fell to the ground laughing and holding each other close. i forgot about jack for a minute so i stood up and introduced them.

"jack, this is louis partridge, an old childhood friend."

they shook hands.

"louis, this is jack champion, my boyfriend," i smiled and wrapped my arm around his.

"wow liv he could do much better," he laughed.

"brat," i whispered and rolled my eyes.

"nice to meet you dude," jack smiled.

louis smiled back, "you too bro! so liv, where's the drinks at?"

i motioned towards the kitchen and he started walking.

i looked back up at jack, "now we are uninterrupted," i smirked.

he smirked back and we made our way up the my room. once we got there i opened the door and immediately dragged him and shut it.

i grabbed his face and started kissing him aggressively, him doing the same. we laid back onto the bed and it started to get really heated. i put my hand in his hair and gripped it as he started to kiss down my neck, giving me hickeys.

i groaned, "keep doing that."

he stopped for a second and looked up at me and smirked, then went back to what he was doing.

he eventually came back up to my face and i gave him a few hickeys on his neck as well. i came back up and looked into his eyes and nodded.

"are you sure?" he questioned unsure.

"i'm sure," i whispered and kissed him again.

his hand slipped in my dress and started to unclip my bra. my hand went to his jacket and i unzipped it. just then there was a knock on the door.

jack and i scrambled to get situated and i put my bra back on.

jack sat on my bed playing it off, going on his phone.

i ran to my mirror fixing my makeup, "come in!"

wyatt walked in.

"liv? we needed 2 more people for beer pong and we couldn't find you and jack. come on down!" he said, shutting the door.

i let out a sigh once he shut the door and made eye contact with jack. we giggled.

"we can finished what we started later, now let's go," i said grabbing his hand and going downstairs.

once we got down there to the beer pong table hand in hand, everyone looked up at us and started cheering, knowing what we tried to do.

i fake smiled and so did jack before we started playing. jack and i went on opposite teams.

it was almost the end of the game and jack was taking shooting the ball. he missed, and had to drink.

then it was my turn, i shot my ball towards the last cup we had left and got it in.

i jumped up and down with my teammates doing the same and hugging me. jack's team looked disappointed but we all said good game.

that's when i heard the door open again. i parted ways from my beer pong team and walked over to the door, seeing who came in.

"TRISTAN FUCKING PRAVONG?" i screamed, running to hug him.

"hey liv!" he muffled into my neck while hugging me.

i pulled away from the hug, "I haven't seen you in ages love! how have you been?" i asked.

"good, good, i booked another acting gig also. what about you?" he asked.

"me too! im playing in the new scream movie with my boyfriend!" i shouted really loud over the music and jack came over.

jack stood next to me, towering over both tristan and i.

"that's great! is this him?" tristan asked, looking up at him.

"yep!" i nodded, and so did jack as his arm snaked around my waist.

"nice! i need a drink, where are they?" he asked. i pointed to the kitchen again and he left.

i lead jack into the kitchen with my other friends and grabbed another drink.

"let's all dance!" i yelled to all of them over the music.

they all agreed and we all made our way to the living room. we all started dancing and it started off with me dance with jack and louis, then louis went over to millie and then it got out of hand from there. i started grinding on jack and he went along with it. everyone was glancing at us but i didn't care i wanted to have some fun with him so i turned to him and grabbed his neck, passionately kissing him. he kissed back, putting his hands on my waist.

it got heated again and he picked me up. i wrapped my legs around him and he walked over to the couch with me, us still kissing. he sat down with me on his lap, us making out.

after a little longer of that we eventually stopped and kept dancing and having fun with our friends.

A/N sorry its kind of short guys and also no smut 💋
instagram chapter next probably!!!

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now