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"liv just trust me!" jack said, leading through what felt like tall grass.

"ok, im trusting you," i said, letting him drag me.

it was jack and i's 4 year anniversary, and he told me he had a surprise. i was excited and scared at the same time because i was currently blindfolded, possibly about to get murdered.

"almost there," jack said.

this was so cute, i wonder what was about to happen. i smiled to myself.

jack lead me for about another 30 seconds and i could feel myself now walking on a blanket, no longer the grass. he grabbed my shoulders and turned me slightly, positioning me a certain way.

"ok liv, take off your blindfold," he said nervously.

i smiled and slowly removed my blindfold from my face. i looked around and saw myself in a flower field, lights around us on a blanket, but then i made eye contact with jack. he was standing directly in front of me and was holding something in his fist.

"jack what's all this for?" i asked, smiling.

all of the sudden, jack kneeled to one knee and i felt like i was about to puke.

"olivia davis, you are the love of my life. we have had ups and downs but have been through so much together. i want to spend the rest of my life with you and only an amazing girl like you. will you marry me?" he stated.

i was freaking out. my hands covering my mouth, and i could barely breathe. i didn't even have to think about my answer.

"yes!" i shouted, "yes my love!"

jack smiled brightly and slipped the ring onto my finger. he stood up and grabbed my waist, kissing me passionately. we both pulled away.

"i love you, soon to be olivia champion," he smiled, our noses touching.

"i love you too, and that has a ring to it," i giggled.

jack chuckled and we both leaned back in, kissing each other breathlessly, neither of us ever wanting to stop. i couldn't wait to marry this sweet sweet boy.

i love you jack.


A/N ITS OVER! IM CRYING! i love you guys so much! (guys meaning my 10 readers) thank you so much to the people reading and voting for this story! i appreciate it more than anything! starting a new story soon! most likely going to be a mason thames fan fiction! anyways, when it's out, go read it! and mention this book to your friends! hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! love you guys! 💋

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now