21. cut

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we were finally wrapping up filming.

apparently from other people's perspectives i have gotten a bit depressed, but i kept acting. i didn't stop because i knew it needed to be done, despite my life literally ending.

jack wasn't on set anymore, since his character died. mason told me jack texted him. he packed up all of his stuff from our hotel and went home without me. back to california, where i also lived. i missed him so much and he was on my mind constantly. once in a while i would breakdown crying in a scene or in my trailer, or to sleep. i just couldn't stop, and i didn't know how to fix it because he wouldn't let me explain.


it was time to film to final scene. melissa and i walking into the distance.


"sam," i fake smiled, "come on."

she smiled back and dropped the ghostface mask on the ground. we linked arms, looking at each other.

then we walked away, the camera fading to the ground on the mask.

(end of final scene)

"CUT!" was what i heard.

tears started falling after i heard that one word. the one word that really made me bawl.

there was clapping and celebration while i wiped my tears and ran to my trailer. i couldn't stand it. the thought of finally finishing my favorite acting part so far, without the love of my life here with me. he's gone, and theres nothing i can do about it... or can i?

A/N tiniest update! possibly the shortest chapter of all time, sorry not sorry

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now