20. "we're over"

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andre stepped closer to me and caressed my arm, but i backed away. he just stepped closer though.

"andre please stop, i have a boyfriend and this is making me uncomfortable," i said nervously.

"jack isn't here," he whispered, grabbing my arm aggressively and pulling me towards him.

i tried backing away again but it didn't work. i prayed that jack walked in at any moment, but he didn't yet. andre was putting himself onto me. am i going to be raped? please god no, no.

"you are so sexy, you know that?" he whispered in my ear.

"andre please let go of me," i cried out.

he grabbed my neck and brought me to his face, then kissed me, hard and aggressive. i didn't kiss back and tried to shove him off of me but nothing worked. all i could do was let it happen, and i hate myself already for it.

"what the fuck!" i heard someone say.

andre let go of me and we both turned to see jack standing there, looking at us both with tears in his eyes.

"jack it's not what it looks like! he-"

"save it olivia! what the hell!" he shouted, running out of my trailer.

"fuck you andre!" i screamed in his face before running after jack.

i ran out of my trailer and down the sidewalk as jack was running a few feet ahead of me.

"jack wait please!" i shouted.

he stopped running but it cut into a fast walk, so i did too, still chasing after him.

"what the hell olivia? you said you loved me!" he yelled, picking up his pace.

"i do jack i swear! just stop and let me explain!" i yelled, trying to catch up to him.

he stopped and turned around. i stopped in front of him, out of breath and sobbing. his eyes were red and he was crying too.

"everything we have been through and done together? that meant nothing to you? all down the fucking drain!" he screamed in my face.

"jack i fucking love you! andre-" i started before getting cut off.

"no! no fucking lies! i thought this relationship would work you know? but i guess i was wrong," he said angrily.

i was now mad too, he wasn't letting me explain.

"jack i love you please just let me-" and he cut me off once again.

"no! i don't love you anymore! i can't believe you would do this! all ive ever wanted was to be with you forever, but ive changed my mind!" he yelled in my face again.


"no olivia! fuck you! we're over!" he screamed in my face.

i broke down. jack turned around and ran away, left me, hyperventilating on my knees. i couldn't believe what just happened. the love of my life just told me we were done. all because andre put himself onto me. i thought jack would walk into my trailer and save me, not this.

i sat there on the sidewalk crying for at least 10 minutes. "i don't love you anymore" rang in my ears. i just want to be gone. from everyone.

i felt someone grab my shoulder and i jumped. i turned to see mason standing above me, worried.

"olivia what the hell happened?" he asked, helping me stand up.

i hugged him tightly, crying into his chest.

"liv tell me what's going on," he demanded.

"j-jack broke up, with me," i said in between sobs.

"what? oh my gosh, lets get you back to your trailer."

mason lead me back to my trailer and andre was gone, thank god. i would have flipped out on him and started having a meltdown. mason told me to take a nap so i did. i cried myself to sleep, wrapped in a blanket. still contemplating what just happened.

my life just went to straight shit.

A/N there you have it folks, my book is finally finished.

jk, ik this is sad and short but at least its the icebreaking part (finally) its gonna be good following this so just be patience, xoxo.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now