13. fight

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the next few weeks jack and i had so much fun.

we did lots of new things like arcades, fancy dinners, biking, and swimming. i took a funny picture of jack which i will definitely be posting.

jack and i also did some of our usual things, like watching movies and cuddling, going to the beach, and eating at the cafe. it was still super amazing with the best boyfriend i could ever ask for.


it was currently 2 days before going to film, and jack and i were waiting for people to start arriving at our party. we decided to make this one big, and invite all of our friends and more people my friends knew.


my friends showed up first, then people started piling in. i put on a tight pink dress, and i had white ankle boots. i thought i looked pretty damn good, and so did jack.


"welcome!" i slurred, holding a beer in my hand.

i was letting random people in my house and i didn't even care. i was drunk as hell.

"liv lets go dance," a boy asked me.

"i have a boyfriend!" i yelled in his face.

"i am your boyfriend idiot," jack said, grabbing the beer out of my hand and taking a sip.

he handed it back to me and grabbed my other hand, leading me to the living room to dance to the music. i grinded on him and we danced lots.

"im skinny dipping in the hot tub!" i screamed, getting up on the table.

"olivia no," jack demanded.

"shut up and stop trying to control me!" i yelled really loudly.

everyone made an "oooo" sound and started watching jack and i.

i started undressing and everyone cheered. jack walked away, mad. but i didn't care. i wanted to have fun.

just as i was starting to pull off my dress, some random boy grabbed my hand and pulled me off the table. he kept gripping my hand tightly.

"jack?" i hiccuped, my vision going blurry.

"yeah totally, lets go fuck," the guy said in a deep voice.

"you don't sound like jack, let me go," i slurred again.

"no, lets go upstairs," he said, starting to drag me up the staircase.

"no, let me go!" i screamed.

i tripped up the stairs and smacked my head. i felt him finally lose the grip on my hand. i slid down the stairs and curled up on the floor, holding my head in pain.

i heard yelling and my vision went back to normal. i looked up to see jack yelling in the guy's face.

"what the fuck is your problem!" he screamed.

"it's not my problem your girlfriend is dressed like an absolute slut," he told jack, smirking.

that made me tear up, and jack must of saw me, so he swung at him. he hit him square in the nose and he fell to the ground. jack kicked him in his side twice but i stood up and stopped him from doing anymore.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now