10. surprise

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i woke up on the couch in jacks arms. i slightly got out of jacks grip and grabbed my phone to check the time. 5:00? jack and i must have fell asleep early. i never wake up this early. but i might as well use it to my advantage.

i smiled down at jack before shaking him awake. he groaned.

"come on get up, let's go watch the sunrise on the beach!" i said excitedly, getting up from the couch.

"nooo i want to sleep a little longer," he said in his hot morning voice.

"please love? it's supposed to be really pretty today. you can go back to sleep after," i exclaimed.

"fine," he groaned and got up.

i walked to my bedroom with him following.

"ever try it in the morning?" he smirked.

"we don't have time for that, later," i smirked back.

"im gonna hop in the shower for like 5 minutes, wanna join?" i asked.

his eyes widened and he eagerly nodded, smiling. i motioned him into the bathroom and i shut the door. i turned the shower on and slipped off my shirt. jack stared.

"ew you perv!" i said sarcastically.

"oh come on you like all this," he said back, slipped his sweatpants off.

we got fully undressed and got into the shower. i squeezed shampoo into his hair and rubbed it in, scratching his scalp a bit.

"mmm," he groaned.

"start paying me to do this," i rolled my eyes.

"keep going," he whispered.

i scratched his head like he was a puppy for about another 30 seconds before we helped each other wash our bodies with soap and a loofah.


after we got out of the shower it was 5:10 and we got dressed and ready to go.

"can we get coffee on the way over?" he begged.




we walked into the coffee shop and ordered. we started walking to our usual booth when i recognized 2 familiar faces. i saw millie and wyatt sitting at the table across from us.

"hey guys! what are you doing here this early? without me?" i asked, getting a little angry sarcastically.

they looked at each other then back at me.

"what?" i asked.

"lets go wy," millie said, grabbing her cup and standing up.

"alright, bye olivia," wyatt said, shoving past jack and i and walking out with millie.

jack and i sat down, "what was that about?" he asked me.

"i have no idea. wyatt never calls me by my full name. i didn't do anything to them that i recall?" i said.

"let's just not worry about it right now, lets take in the beautiful sunset after we get our drinks," he said, as he grabbed my hand and put it to his mouth, kissing it.

i smiled.


jack and i walked through the sand towards the water, but i couldn't stop thinking about mil and wy. they were my best friends and would be there for me any day ever. or so i thought.

i don't know what was up with them, but jack was right. i don't need to worry about it right now and we need to have a good time.

once jack and i reached the water we laid out the blanket we brought and sat down on it, cuddling next to each other, awaiting for the sun to appear above the ocean.

his arm wrapped around my waist and i laid my head and hand against his chest.

the sun eventually began to peak above the water and we stood up and took lots of pictures, and asked people to take some for us too. the internet was right. the sunrise was absolutely amazing today. it was orange and yellow with a hint of pink around it. it was perfect, and so was this moment with jack.


as jack and i were walking back to my apartment, hand in hand, we both got a text on our phones at the same time. we shrugged confusingly at each other before checking our phones and pausing on the sidewalk. it was from the directors of scream

i looked at the message in shock then at jack.

"filming is now in 3 weeks?!?!" he yelled, looking up from his phone at me.

this is a big surprise.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now