7. jealous

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i woke up in my bed next to wyatt and millie. they slept over last night but i was too tired to tell them anything so i said i would share with them in the morning.

wyatts arms were wrapped around me, he was adorable. me and millie definitely need to get him a girlfriend. i shook wyatt awake and we both smiled at each other before waking up millie too.

we went downstairs and i made us all eggs and bacon for breakfast.

"so liv, tell us everything," wyatt said as he stuffed eggs into his mouth.

"slow down your gonna choke," i laughed.

"i'll die happy," he explained, still chewing.

"no you won't, you don't have a girlfriend yet!" i said sarcastically.

"whatever liv, go on with your news you wanted to eagerly tell us," he said as he bit a piece of bacon.

"well... i got the part!" i screamed.

millie and wyatt both dropped their forks on their plates and ran to hug me. wyatt picked me up and spun me around and millie gave me a peck on the cheek as well as a warm hug.

"thats amazing liv!" millie said, sitting back down.

"yeah we're proud of you liv good job!" wyatt said.

"wait, did jack get the part too?" millie questioned.

"well that's the other part of my news, he did, and we're kind of dating now?" i told them.

"girly i think you dropped something, my jaw," wyatt said in a very girly tone.

"stop wyatt," i laughed, slapping his hand.

"that's great liv! your dreams are coming true and im so happy for you." millie exclaimed.

"me too," wyatt said, stuffing more and more eggs into his mouth.

"thanks guys, my life is just perfect right now," i explained, biting some bacon.

jack changed olivia's contact name to liv ❤️
olivia changed jack's contact name to jack 🫶

jack 🫶

liv ❤️
hey love

liv ❤️
wanna come over and hangout with my friends and i?

jack 🫶
sure why not, ill be over in 20

liv ❤️ loved a message

"hey guys, i kind of invited jack over. that ok?" i asked my friends, finishing up my breakfast.

"yeah of course!" millie said.

"yeah i wanna meet this dude," wyatt said a little creepily.

"lets not scare him away babes," i laughed.

"fine, fine, but if he hurts your feelings even in the slightest bit i hurt him," wyatt said.

i laughed again and took my friends empty plates from them and washed them all. we then went back upstairs to my room and listened to some music before jack came.

we played taylor swift and had a dance party it was fun.

"ok guys jack should be here any minute," i said, turning down the music on the speaker.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now