23. premiere

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it was a few hours before the scream 6 premiere. i had mixed feelings about it now. scared to see jack, scared to see if anything happens with jack. wait, why was i still thinking about jack? i was happily in a relationship with wyatt, right?

i don't know, but i was nervous and excited for the premiere at the same time. i wonder if jack moved on? what was he up too? i couldn't stop thinking about him. i got him out of my head for a while, but when the premiere arrived closer and closer, he kept flooding back into all of my thoughts.

everything wyatt and i did was what jack and i used to do. the beach, the cafe, watching movies and cuddling. all of it. i just couldn't keep jack out of my head for more than a minute now, and it sucked.

i started getting ready since it takes me a while, so i showered then changed, then did hair in makeup. it all took forever and eventually wyatt arrived at my place, half and hour before we were leaving for the premiere.

i was finishing my makeup when he came in and sat down on my bed, scrolling on his phone.

"hey wy," i said, focused on brushing the mascara against my eyelashes.

"hey, are you ready to do this? how are you feeling? nervous? excited?" he asked.

"all of the above," i laughed.

he chuckled too and put his attention back on his phone.

"i'm obviously over jack you know, but i can't help but be scared to see him there, since what happened," i admitted to wyatt, twisting the cap on my mascara.

"i get it, just try not to think about it ok? the limo should be here any minute," wyatt said, standing up and kissing the top of my head.

i nodded and he went downstairs to wait for the limo. i finished up my makeup and sprayed more hairspray in my hair, then went downstairs with wyatt.

"it's here," he said, opening my apartment door.

i followed him out and shut the door behind me. we got in the elevator and went to the ground floor. we walked out the main doors and there it was. the long, shiny limo waited there for us. the driver hopped out and helped us in, then he got in himself. then we got going and pulled out of the apartment parking lot.

"im so nervous," i trembled.

"we will be together the whole time, don't worry," jack said, placing his hand on my thigh.

i smiled at him and he smiled back, but for some reason i didn't get the little butterflies inside of me like i usually get when he smiled or touched me. i loved him a lot but i just can't stop thinking that we would be better off as friends you know?

anyways, im putting my thoughts aside for the evening and im going to try and have fun.

we pulled up to the premiere and i felt my stomach go in knots. i feel like i could vomit. i didn't want to see him. please god.

wyatt and i hopped out of the limo and there was an immediate swarm of paparazzi and fans around us. wyatt and i held hands through the crowd and made it to the picture area, where paparazzi were lined up and ready, already shouting for us.

"olivia by yourself first!"

"olivia over here!"

"to the right!"

so many voices shouted at me. wyatt and i locked eyes then he motioned for me to go. i left go of his hand and walked by myself out onto the carpet in front of the movie cover plastered on the wall. i posed and looked at all the cameras individually. after a minute or two of posing i motioned for wyatt to join me. he walked over and snaked his arm around my waist, me resting mine on his upper back. i didn't see jack yet.

I regret you all the time - jack championWhere stories live. Discover now