8. Exam = Tension

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Guys I published one part "Left the Job" but it have 0 reads so, I wanna ask if it is visible on your app or due to some problems it's not showing or any of u didn't read it? No problem if u guys didn't read but if there is some problem please let me know.
So let's get back to the story.

Exams. . . . . one word but can bring a chaos in a student life. The same thing is happening with Jung Mi, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung. The four were that much busy with their syllabus that they forgot the outer world. Books. . . . that were there family, friend, helper, guider for now. The siblings were that much busy that they even forgot to eat some times and slept with empty stomach on their study table. The elders were worried for them but they knew that youngers won't listen to them when it comes to study. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin had a record that they never scored less then 90% and their elder brothers were satisfied with that much marks. Jung Mi was a great student too. She also never scored below then 90%. But their was a difference, her father was never satisfied with her.

Hoseok: Jung Mi and Jungkook come and eat dinner.

Jung Mi/Jungkook: Not now hyung. . . .

Hoseok: Yaah! Are you both crazy?? You haven't eaten anything after dinner! Come and eat now! You can study later.

Jung Mi: hyung please, after completing this chapter.

Jungkook: Yes, please, we will come later, we promise, right?

He asked to Jung Mi while she nodded. Hoseok looked at them in disbelief and sighed.

Hoseok: it's enough now, you said the same at lunch time. Now come and eat and it's final now.

He said while snatching away their books and closed them.
The two sighed and went with hoseok.

Meanwhile with Jimin and Taehyung.

Namjoon: you both are coming or not?

He said while glaring at the two. Same as Jung Mi and Jk they both were also saying the same thing 'we promise after completing the chapter'

Jimin/Taehyung: hyung please ~~~

They said while pleading.

Namjoon: that's eat, don't blame me afterwards.

He catched the ear of the twins and dragged them to the dining room. Jimin and Taehyung groaned in pain.

Others were shocked to see Namjoon dragging Jimin and Taehyung.

Jin: Yaah! Namjoon I said you to bring them not to drag my poor little brothers.

Namjoon: Your 'poor little brothers' were refusing to eat and I had no choice rather then this.

He said sarcastically after listening "my poor little brothers" from Jin's mouth.

Jin: Is it true?

He said while looking at four of them while they looked down.

Jin: then you did a great job Namjoon.

Listening to this the four youngers pouted making Jin sigh.

Jin: look kids, it's ok to work hard but don't overwork yourself and eat on time. If you want to give your exam without being sick then eat properly and take proper rest.

He said softly while the nodded their head making Jin smile.

Jin: now eat and go to sleep.

They eat their dinner in a peaceful silence and went to their respective rooms. Jin warned the youngers to directly go to sleep, the should not study at this time. They nodded their head and went to sleep. Oh did they sleep? Really? No. Not at all. They were wide awake just making sure that everyone was asleep so they can study again and as they were confirmed that everyone slept the lights of the 2 rooms which were in row turned on at same time.

It was almost 2 in the morning the youngers slept ½ hours ago and as usual on their study table.
Yoongi and Jin was awake doing their work. They decided to check on youngers knowing very well that what they were doing. First they entered in the room of Jung Mi and Jk. Yes they were in same room because of exams. They were in different classes but they decided to study together so Jungkook was shifted in Jung Mi's room for some days.

As Yoongi and Jin entered their room they sighed seeing the scene infront of them. Jk and Jung Mi were sleeping with their heads on table. Tiredness was all over their face.

Yoongi: they are working too hard that they are not realising that they are overworking.

Jin: you are right. Exams pressure are too much. . . . .
Let's talk to them in morning till then let them rest.

He said with a sigh and covered them with blanket.

Yoongi: let's go to see the twins. I know they are in the same position.

They left to their room and covered them with the blanket too.

Yoongi: let's go and sleep now, it's late.

Jin: yeah hope they give their tomorrow's exam good.

Yoongi: they surely will. . . I believe them.

Next morning

Everyone was in dining room eating their breakfast peacefully. Oh well not everyone. Youngers were eating very fastly thinking they may get late for exams.

Yoongi: eat slowly, food isn't going anywhere.

Jung Mi: we know food isn't going anywhere but time is going, we are getting late.

She said while the four of them rushed towards the car. Elders shooked their head in disbelief.

*After school*

They came to the home and directly went towards their room to study.

Credit of above pic to owner

So this for today.
Meet u in next chapter
Till then
Borahae 💜

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