10. Bad Day

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Guys I changed age of some characters so you can see the chapter "introduction"


Namjoon words were cut by Jin's sudden shout. He was continuously listening to Namjoon but it was now out of his patience level.

Namjoon: This is not nonsense hyung!! He needs to study more!!

He said while raising his voice.

Jin: Don't you fvcking dare to raise your voice on me.

He said strictly in a dangerous voice while chills ran to each person's veins.
They knew it very well Kim Seokjin is not a type of person who curses until and unless he is very angry.

Jungmi: You are wrong hyung. I should be the one getting scoldings here because I scored lowest but why are you shouting at kookie hyung?

Jin: No Mimi this is not about scoldings. This is about who is wrong here. And Namjoon is totally wrong here. . . . What were you talking about Namjoon- ah? Kook didn't worked hard? If only you had seen how much he worked then you would know. Me and Yoongi saw it with our own eyes how these four were having sleepless nights and restless days due to the pressure of exam. Kook worked hard and I am satisfied with his marks. I don't need anyone' s opinion.

JK: hyung it's ok don't worry. Maybe he is right Mimi is better then me.

He said while looking at Jungmi. The love which used to be in his eyes for her was replaced by anger and little hate which didn't got unnoticed by Jungmi.

Jungmi: no it's n--

Jk: I am going to my room.

He walked towards his room without even listening to her. Jungmi looked at Namjoon with little disappointment.

Jungmi: I am going to my room too.

She also left with tears in her eyes.

Yoongi: just great....

He whispered and left to his room too.

Namjoon: why you all are blaming me?

Jin: coz it was your fault.

He also left after saying this. Jimin and Taehyung also left after Jin. Now there were only Hoseok and Namjoon in living room.

Namjoon: you will also take his side?

Hoseok sighed listening to his question.

Hoseok: no one is taking anyone's side Joon. It's the matter of who is right and who is wrong.

He also left after saying this. Now Namjoon was alone in living room.

Namjoon: Was I really too much?

It was now dinner time. Jin was the first one to come to dining room followed by Yoongi. They both sat on their respective chairs waiting for others.

5 minutes

10 minutes

20 minutes

30 minutes

No one came.

Yoongi: I don't think so they will come. What should we do?

Jin: We can't just let them starve. Youngers aren't taking proper meal from almost 1 month and I am sure Hobi also didn't ate anything since he came from university.

Yoongi noticed that he mentioned everyone except Namjoon. So he decided to ask.

Yoongi: You are angry with Namjoon right? Hyu---

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