21. Annoying? [pt. 2]

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Annoying? Was she really annoying? Or he was just blinded by anger.
Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi who just came  from work came in the living room hearing shouts.
[Note: Jimin and Taehyung aren't at home]

Jin: what's all these shoutings?

He said while coming in the living room.

Jin: Mimi? What happened? You did something?

Jungmi: I just asked for help in my homework.

She said while looking down.

Jungkook: you know the day you came in this house, each and every member just cared about you. Where is Mimi? Have Mimi eaten? Did Mimi slept? Mimi this. Mimi that. Everytime just Mimi!!

Jungmi was looking down trying very hard to control her tears from falling down. But a little sob left her mouth which was heard by no one.
What was her fault? That she only asked for help? Is it a crime?
Many things were running in her mind and Jungkook's words weren't helping her at all.

Jk: you talk to each and every boy of your class right? How pathetic you are.

Jungmi finally looked at him shocked by his words.

Jungmi: talking to boys isn't a crime right? What's so pathetic in that? My classmates are just my friends...

She said finally gathering her courage, feeling offended when he said "you talk to you talk to each and every boy of your class".

Jin: kook that's enough.

He said sternly but got ignored by Jungkook. {what a insult :]}

Jk: oh! So what you were talking with Sungho alone in your class? Such a slvt u are!

Jungmi: hyung?

Jungmi looked at him in disbelief as well as pain. She never expected that one of her own brother will call her slvt one day.

Meanwhile Jin and Yoongi were boiling in anger. Jin saw that Yoongi was getting angry and if he gets angry it will be no good for Jungkook. He tried to stop Jungkook but it was of no use.

Jk: you know what? You are such an annoying person! Just a bur--


Now it was out of anyone's hand. Yoongi is always calm in situation but if he gets angry it will be worse.

Jungkook stopped and quickly realized what he was saying and what he was going to say. He looked at Jungmi who was gonna cry anytime.

Yoongi:  Mimi go to your room.

He said calmly but anyone can tell he was angry.

Jk:  M-Mimi I-I---

He was not able to complete his sentence because Jungmi started to speak.

Jungmi:  I will try not be annoying anymore and will stay away from my classmates.

Saying this she went to her room.

She went inside her room and locked the door. The tears which were threatening to fall down finally left her eyes.

Jungmi:  a-am I-I t-that b-bad? I-I didn't m-meant to annoy t-them...

She went towards her bed and covered herself with blankets and cried.

*Meanwhile at living room*

Yoongi slapped Jungkook so hard that his face turned to other side.

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