11. New Teacher Or a Creep?

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It's been 15 days from the day result is out. Well nothing changed in these days except the behavior of Jungkook towards Jungmi. He usually ignore her and if it is important he talk to her coldly. Jungmi was very much affected by his behavior. She tried very hard to make him forgive her although it was not her fault but Jungkook always ignore her. Jungmi also decided to leave the house but Jin won't let her and to add fuel to fire he even increased security of the mansion, so she won't ran away. It's not like that she feel caged in that house, she never wanted to ran away. If she want to move out from the house she will ask permission first and if they agreed then only she will go. She knew her hyung loved her but due to Jungkook's anger she only felt burden to them.

It was morning in seoul. Everyone was busy getting ready for their school, university or for work. This year would be the first year of high school for Jungmi, last year for Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung will be first year at University.

Jungmi was getting ready for her school or we can say she was done. A knock was heard on her door.

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Jungmi opened the door and saw a maid standing there.

Jungmi: Good morning......

The maid smiled and wished her back.

Jungmi: what happened Mrs. Han?

Mrs. Han: Mimi, your brothers are calling you downstairs for breakfast.

Jungmi: oh ok let's go.

She said while closing the door of the room.
All the maids who work in the mansion used to call the siblings by their names because Jin told them to do so, as they all were elder then them and those who were youngers will call the elders as sir and youngers by name. So that was the reason Mrs. Han called Jungmi as Mimi.

Jungmi reached downstairs and saw her brothers sitting at dining room.

Jungmi: Good morning hyung ....

She said while taking her seat.
Everyone wished her back except one person and you all know who is that person. Ofcourse Jungkook.

Jungmi sighed and sat on her usual seat.

Jungmi: 16.....

She murmured to which no one heard her. Soon the maids served food to them. Everyone was eating while chit chatting a bit when Jungkook said taking their attention.

Jk: hyung today my friends are coming with me in car so tell Jungmi to go in other car by hyung.....

Hoseok: huh? Which friend?

Jk: umm just some friends.

Hoseok: but I don't remember you having a friend.

Jk: why? Can't I have friends?

Yoongi: Jungkook it's not what he mean--

Jk: I know very well what you all mean hyung. If Mimi asked you the same thing you would allow her.

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